New Black Friday Rewards – Long War KICKSTARTER

By Rob Baer | October 8th, 2019 | Categories: Kickstarter, Micro Art Studios

We’re in the home stretch folks! Come see the new special rewards that will only be available for Black Friday weekend.


$35 The Super Dice Bag is HERE! You can LITERALLY fit all your accessories in this one amazing high quality cavernous bag of holding.



$105 Keep It Icy Bundle – Add the new hotness to your existing pledge. One Icy Hoodie, One Icy T-Shirt, and the Long War Super Dice Bag! You save $5 Bucks


$290 Long War Mega Bundle – The best value for all the swag! Includes the Ultimate Bundle: one of the three G-Mats designs pictured from Game, all 4 templates including the tactical measuring template. Includes the 8 Objective Markers & 10 Custom Vehicle Markers designed exclusively for The Long War Kick Starter. 12 custom “Long War” dice, & One “Long War” T-Shirt in any size. Plus you get the THREE Shot Glasses Bundle, the Long War Hoodie (Logo or ICY styles), and last but not least – The Super Dice Bag! Also comes with the two official stickers of “The Long War” You save $30 bucks.

So be sure to checkout the special Black Friday rewards starting at midnight Thursday!

Thanks again your support! Together we ARE bringing hobby back!



Original Post for our Kick Starter

This is your chance to help bring the hobby back, and pick up all the cool swag and deals you’ve been hearing about from The Long War for weeks.

Please check it all out below, and remember together we can bring the hobby back!

The Long War – Bringing Hobby Back Kickstarter!

The Long War is a video production studio dedicated to the table-top war gaming community.

 From left to right: Kenny Boucher, Rob Baer, & Stephen Fore

Our mission is to #bringhobbyback Bringing table top war gaming back to the good old days. Back when you could feel the electricity in the air every single time you rolled a hand full of dice. In those days people played with each other! Not always against each other.

Simply put we produce a weekly stream of FREE content dedicated to sharing this idea with as many people as possible.

Making new friends every day, is the best thing about war-gaming.

We produce high quality hobby tutorials, painting tutorials and battle reports.

 Rob & Kenny hard at work creating the best sound & lighting. 

The goal of “The Long War” content is to provide accessible information related to hobby tricks, painting techniques and table top tactics.Our content is designed to arm gamers of any level with the weapons needed to break in to the scene or even just augment your current arsenal.

 Justin “The largest biceps in 40k” Troop & Mike Twitchell making Kenny feel small. At a local tournament. 

Over the last few months we began recording a weekly podcast and live webcast to help gamers stay informed on current events. We are committed to improvement.

 Attending local events as often as possible helps us stay informed.

 Juice hard at work at our fulfillment center.

It is our goal to raise enough money to upgrade our entire operation. From the cameras & mics to the editing software and hosting platforms. Even our recording studio still needs a little work. We don’t do this for money, it takes money to do this & no matter how important a statement is or relevant a concept is ….if it is not presented in a digestible format, than it will not be heard.

These are the style of cameras we are using in season two on our Battle Reports. Which is a massive improvement from season one. You can see the quality continue to improve as we familiarize ourselves with new lighting and sound challenges.

We have recently made massive improvements to our sound quality in the battle reports. Thanks to a “Shot Gun” microphone.

None of this new equipment is actually ours. We have been lucky enough to borrow these from friends. Its doesn’t end here though.

Additionally our studio aka: The Beats Laboratory has moved. We were lucky to have a rent free location for as long as we did, thanks to a good friend.

Our bills are piling up & our loner camera & mic will eventually have been returned to their owner.

 Cutting Edge Technology

We don’t want to squander this opportunity though. Once we raise funds for a new camera and mic. Any additional money will go toward lighting, editing software, sound proofing, and even new desk top editing bays for more advanced programs like Adobe Premier & Final Cut Pro.

It’s not all business though. We have lined up a ton of fun rewards for your pledges. From stickers and game add-ons to t-shirts and hoodies. We also have some interactive opportunities to vote on certain design elements, and exclusive KS only swag. We even have several one-of-a kind rewards for anyone trying to jump start their local scene.

If you want to know more about us visit or download our podcast on Itunes.


Checkout the Long War Kickstarter at the link below for all current rewards!