New Fat Mat Lets You Photograph Your Minis Like A Pro

By Zeb Barrett | November 21st, 2016 | Categories: Hobby Products, Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming Products


Take pictures of your minis like a pro with the brand new, easy to use MacroMats backdrop from the guys that brought you the Fat Mat!

With this new system by MacroMats you are able to take pictures like the pros and make your miniatures look larger than life!

Source: MacroMats (kickstarter)


Poor lighting, no problem. Professional results, absolutely.

These backdrops are made from a non-reflective cloth surface, neoprene-backed material that mutes shadows and won’t reflect light (glare). They are durable and will last. We have been making gaming mats (the F.A.T. Mats) with this material for several years and our customers have regularly commented on how well miniatures (collectible and hobby miniatures) photograph on our mats. With that in mind, we believe we can create a set of photography backdrops perfectly suited for photographing collectibles, hobby miniatures, & small works of art.

[this project ships worldwide and is EU friendly, see below for details and any additional shipping charges for your country]

[if you are a retailer wanting to carry this product after the launch, you may order cases for shipment after the  first wave or you may contact us at]


The Mat Material

  • The mat itself will have a thin neoprene rubber, textured back… This means it is non-slip and durable while being thin enough to roll easily and not be heavy.
  • The front of the mat is a non-reflective, cloth surface that we use a heat manufacturing process to adhere a traditionally themed photo backdrop image. Additionally, this material won’t crease or fold so you will always have a smooth, clean backdrop.
  • 15×30″ sized MacroMat: We are starting with a focus on a smaller scale yet big enough to ensure you have plenty of backdrop area; in other words, enough space so that you don’t show the mats edge in your picture. This size also fit well in many existing “Light Cubes/Boxes”.
  • Because the mats are non-reflective while also muting shadows, pictures without professional lighting still look incredibly good. Take a look at these sample shots with just normal in-door lighting taken with a smartphone.
  • The material is durable; it Won’t scratch or scuff and is water/liquid resistant.
  • Have professional lighting or a small Light Cube/Box? You will see amazing results with little hassle.
  • By using a MacroMat backdrop, you eliminate other items that may expand your depth of field or reduce the quality of focus on your subject


The Designs

  • Scale! All of our designs are scaled for small subjects. This means that your miniature will benefit from the intention of the backdrop design. Using a standard sized backdrop designed for taking pictures of large subjects (e.g. photographing people) will lose the backdrop’s design when photographing something the size of a collectible or hobby miniature. The MacroMats are meant for small subjects so you will get the intended professional effect from our backdrop design.
  • We are starting out with three designs that will give your a professional look: ‘Soft’, ‘Cool’, & ‘Blue Gradient’

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I always have a lot of problems getting the light just right without any reflections while still having a decent back drop. I have a feeling this will solve many of our problems! Head over to MacroMats Kickstarter for more information and to pledge to get your hands on this great idea!