Samurai Are Riding Dragons In This New Wargaming Kickstarter

By Zeb Barrett | February 14th, 2017 | Categories: Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming, Warhammer 40k Rumors

asian dragon

A new Kickstarter is about to go live and the miniatures will take your breath away! Come check out the lastest from Titanforge Games!

Inspired by Asian Mythology, this table top miniature army will take your breath away! Check it out!

Source: Titanforge Games (Kickstarter)

titanforge asian mythology army

The Great Dragon Empire is a fantasy collection that has it roots deep in the Asian mythology, legends and samurai culture. Of course we could not resist adding dragons and the magic of four elements to make this world truly supernatural. In this campaign we especially want to engage our backers in the process of model creation. In the incoming updates we will be gathering your propositions for miniatures. Later the backers will be voting and their suggestions will be implemented into the collection. Moreover, after picking the miniatures we will set up a series of streams and our lead artists will be sculpting live! That way you have a chance to see how exactly your idea becomes reality.

titanforge asian mythology army

Thanks to our experience from previous Kickstarter campaigns and listening to hundreds of comments we designed our Reward System to be as clear and simple as possible. There are no points or complicated pledge compositions.Instead there are 3 options.

In Ashigaru Pledge you can back our project with any amount. After the campaign ends you will gain access to pledge manager where you will be able to spend that amount on all unlocked products and also further increase it if you wish. You get what you pay for.

Example: You want only one unit of Oni ($18) and Hori Mizu ($18). You choose this reward and pledge $36 for it.

In Samurai Pledge you back the project with $99 (or more) and receive Samurai Package with any 2 basic units and all freebies that will be unlocked during our campaign. You also receive $30 to spend on add-ons. Any amount pledged over the $99 for the Samurai Pledge will be added to that $30.

Example: You want 3 basic units (2 are already in this reward and additional one is $24) and one Komaninu Cavalery unit ($45). You choose this reward and pledge $138 for it ($99 for the reward + $24 for one basic unit + $45 for Konaninu unit -$30 that is included in the reward). On top of those units you will receive all unlocked Freebies.

In Dragon Pledge you back the project with $199 (or more) and receive Dragon Package with a Dragon, a basic unit and all freebies that will be unlocked during our campaign. You also receive $125 to spend on add-ons. Any amount pledged over the $199 for the Dragon Pledge will be added to that $125.

Example: You want a basic unit, 3 Konaninu Cavalery units and 2 Dragons. You choose this reward and pledge $213 for it ($199 for the reward + $90 for two konaninu units + $49 for second Dragon -$125 that is included in this reward).  On top of those units you will receive all unlocked Freebies.

titanforge asian mythology army

titanforge asian mythology army titanforge asian mythology army titanforge asian mythology army

Head over to the Titanforge Games Kickstarter for more information and to keep your eyes on the progress of this incredible Tabletop Army!