Wreck Age: Post-Collapse Vehicles on Kickstarter

By Zeb Barrett | March 28th, 2017 | Categories: Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming

Vehicles are making their way to Wreck Age! These armoured cars and motorcycles are just what you need to set off your narrative RPG game!

Check out the latest in Post-Collapse speed freak combat is here. Check out these vehicles that will be a prefect addition to your narrative RPG games!

Source: Hyacinth Games (Kickstarter)

Wreck Age is a post-collapse 28mm skirmish game and narrative RPG set 500 years in the future; hundreds of years after a total societal collapse. We are now in the midst of The Resurgence, where pockets of society are just beginning to re-establish themselves. We are here to ask for your support to bring a long-term dream of ours to reality: vehicles!

Wreck Age: Post-Collapse Vehicle kits

Wreck Age is an established tabletop miniatures game and RPG and we feature an extensive line of miniatures, rules, and supplements.

We’re proud to launch this Kickstarter campaign for our multi-part resin and metal scale vehicle models. Each kit will be easy to assemble, convert, and paint. They’ll be hugely customizable, and you can swap out most of the parts from kit to kit (and keep in mind our cool stretch goal add-ons!) We’re doing some neat stretch goals and have a bunch of cool add-ons too. This will give you a huge variety of style and appearance for our multi-part resin and metal vehicles. Before unlocking our awesome stretch goals, we’re starting with 3 post-collapse car chassis. From there we have lots of cool stuff to unlock, including a truck chassis, motorcycles, ATV, horse riders, and buggies. With your help, we’ll reach all of those goals and more!

Wreck Age: Post-Collapse Vehicle kits

In Wreck-Age, your miniatures battle it out on the tabletop in a unique narrative hybrid of efficient skirmish battle and role playing drama. By introducing vehicles, you’ll be able to expand the size and scope of your games. From the basic 3’ x 3’ gaming table through to huge layouts that stretch for dozens of meters, you can create death race scenarios, caravan chases, and run the gauntlet of ‘toll booths’ set up by highway robbers. The only limit is the amount of space you have, and your imagination. No matter how you choose to integrate vehicles into your Wreck-Age experience, you’ll be able to move your models around the board much more quickly than you would on foot, using simple rules mechanics that allow for depth of play, while maintaining ease of play, and ensuring record keeping is kept to a minimum. You can take control of a crew of your choosing, selecting from the nomadic Drifters, the pragmatic Stakers, the tech zealots known as the Reclaimers, or the vampyric Stitchers; you may even choose to venture off into the Wilds in your vehicles, without the support of an organized faction.

Wreck Age: Post-Collapse Vehicle kits

What we’re showing here are work in progress renders, done by our experienced and talented sculptor Olivier Nkweti. He has done amazing work for Privateer Press, Pyre Studios, Meirce Miniatures, and many others. Each car measures 92 x 38mm, which fits very well for models from 28mm-35mm. The car chassis shown above is just the starting point. We’ll be doing modifications to them so we have 3 very distinct and unique looking post-collapse vehicles, and you’ll be able to see the progress unfold throughout the course of this campaign. We’re very excited for this process, and have a ton of fantastic ideas for upgrades, add-ons, and alternate parts for these cars (along with all the other stretch goals and unlockable vehicles listed below). With your help, these dreams will soon become a reality.

Head over to Hyacinth Games for more information on the Wreck Age Kickstarter, check out all of the stretch goals, and pledge to make this project happen!