40k Kill Team Heavy Intercessors Rules Revealed

Heavy Intercessor Kill Team feature rGW just dropped a preview of the Kill Team Heavy Intercessors rules! If you’re going to buy the new box, might as well play a game or two…

Today on Warhammer Community they actually showed a bunch of rules for how they will function as a Kill Team, their statline, and what kind of weapons you can take. If you can’t wait for these guys to be released as their own kit, this is really the only way to get them. Of course, you could wait for people to throw them on the secondary market. But we all know how that can be!

Anyways, enough about that! Let’s take a look at what’s actually in the Pariah Nexus box then jump into the rules!

Release Date Confirmed

new kill team boxWith how much hype we’ve seen built around this box having the new minis in it, you better hop on the pre-order quickly! Not sure how many will be going out to stores, but if their most recent releases are anything to go on, we’re guessing not very many. The pre-order will go live on the 27th and they will be going live on March 6th.

Kill Team release dateWhile there were no other rules in the post for Flayed Ones, they snuck the release date down here at the end. At least we grabbed some rules today!

40k Kill Team Pariah Nexus Box Value $160

From our rumors post earlier, it looks like we have the pricing for this new set along with four other new Kill Team releases as well.

kill team boxJust to note first, we haven’t seen a big box revealed for Kill Team since 2019, so expected a little price increase for the box, and we did with this box coming in at $160. You get 12 minis, the Pariah Nexus book, objective cards, a decent amount of terrain, and the game board.

Really, the biggest value comes in the minis that aren’t released to regular circulation yet. That means the value is a little intangible with a side of early birdness as well.

  • Necron Chronomancer $35 (based on other characters)
  • 5 Flayed Ones $38 (Based on other secondary units like Immortals)
  • Space Marine Captain $35
  • 5 Heavy Intercessors $45
  • All Accessories $90 (based on the Kill Team: Arena Box which had almost identical contents minus minis ) 

Total: $243

Value: $83


The value is pretty decent, but if you just want the minis, well, even splitting it is basically paying $75 for about $70-80 (depending on what side you get) worth of minis. The majority of the value comes in the accessories and not really the models.

40k Kill Team Heavy Intercessors Rules Revealed

Heavy Intercessor Kill Team RulesFirst, when compared to regular Intercessors, they get an extra Wound, Toughness, and an inch of movement, alongside stronger guns at the cost of only 2 additional points. The guns are also going to be better with Strength 5 and a range of ammunition types, giving anything from more shots to an extra point of Damage.

They also mention you’ll be able to mix and match the ammo, so you can have a squad kitted to deal with both lots of minis and big stuff. 

Strength 5 and a range of ammunition types, giving anything from more shots to an extra point of Damage. While the hellstorm heavy bolter throws out a teeth-chattering 4 shots, the executor-heavy bolter trades speed for power with 2 shots at an almighty 3 Damage apiece. 

Since they are the only ones who can bring the heavier weapons, they will be a great inclusion for most Kill Teams.

Are you going to be picking this box up? Will this get you to play Kill Teams?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!