40k Kill Team

Warhammer 40K Kill Team News, Updates, Strategies & Rumors

Here, you’ll find the latest updates, rules changes, model releases, and everything you need to keep your team competitive and ready for action.

From brand-new factions to unique tactical options, Get the scoop on the latest squads, special operatives, and cutting-edge strategies with the links below:

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This game is your gateway to thrilling, small-scale warfare. Stay informed with the freshest news and updates on everything Kill Team has to offer, and take your games to the next level!

We recently got a look at a teaser video for Kill Team and it looks like it might contain the answer to last week’s GW Rumor Engine. Come take a look at the latest.

Read More | April 2nd, 2019

There were some hidden gems in the latest Kill Team video teaser and it looks like we’re already getting a look at some of the rules. You’re not going to want to miss this!

Read More | March 17th, 2018