Secrets to 40k Kill Team Terrain Kits REVEALED!

kill team 2016 wal hor

Kill Team is right around the corner and we’ve just been given a preview to help us figure out exactly what comes inside every kit. Let’s dig in!

Multiple retailers have already confirmed the prices of all the Kill Team boxes. We’ve also just now been able to see what will be inside the kits. Let’s look what comes inside every box to help you decide where you want your hobby dollars to go.

Secrets to 40k Kill Team Terrain Kits REVEALED!

Let’s dive in and look at what we’re getting inside the boxes along with what all it will cost to play Kill Team this go around:

Overall it looks like each box has some decent value to it. However, the terrain in the boxes is where you really seem to get the biggest bang for your buck. So with that being said, let ‘s look at the big starter box first (courtesy of Games Workshops website)

Kill Team Core Game $130

KT box set

kt box set 2

GW was clever when they posted the pictures on their website. They don’t show the sprues of the terrain in the box and don’t call it a part of any of the other terrain kits. Going off of some eye-judgment, it looks like you’ll be getting a set almost equivalent to a section of the Basilicanum, an Administratum set, and ruins in the Kill Team box.

Doing our best guess-work, we’ve matched the description to the sprues we think they go to:

ruin frame Secrets to 40k Kill Team Terrain Kits REVEALED!

ruin frame 2

(Sprues A&B Ruins)

  3 frames of Sector Imperialis buildings, each making 3 sections of ruins featuring shattered window sections, broken columns and pipework;

frames one lamp(Sprue C Administratum)

2 frames of ruins and floors: each contains 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp;

frames w lamps(Sprue D Administratum)

 2 frames of walls and windows: each contains 4 complete wall sections, along with 4 columns, 1 ruined column top piece, 2 column top pieces, a vent and 2 small lamps;

4 column 1 arch(Sprue E Basilicanum)

1 frame of columns: 4 complete columns, 1 large archway, 2 support arches, 2 small lamps, 4 top pieces for the columns and 2 small broken floor sections.

Kill Team DatacardsThere will also be a deck of Kill Team cards coming inside the Kill Team box as well. There is a difference though! You’ll only be getting 10 blank cards in the box rather than 25 like the deck you can purchase by itself.

Everything you’ll need for your Kill Team will be in these boxes. They even come with a nice set terrain to spice up the kill zone.

But what is the true value of this starter set? Let’s start by going down the list

  • Kill Team Core Manual-$40
  • Squad of 10 Skitarii (Rangers or Vanguard) – $40
  • Squad of 5 Genestealer Acolyte Hybrids –$40
  • Folding game board- $?
  • Kill Team Cards –$15 ea. (minus 15 blank cards)
  • Exclusive universal tactics deck – $?
  • Dice and Rulers –$?
  • Varied set of Imperial Terrain – $136

So if that is the case, and the “varied set of Imperial Ruins ends up being as far as we can tell two Administratum sets, a half a set of Ruins, and one sprue from the Basilicanum set.

That’s nearly $136 MSRP of terrain value in a $130 box set plus what looks to be an $18ish value for the Basilicanum sprue.

Total Value Estimate:  $271 plus other components

Now check out what comes in each of the other Terrain kits for this release as well:

Basilicanum Sector Imperialis $100

The terrain is going to be extremely popular considering this is the first time we’ve seen this new modular terrain. The detail on it is insane as well.

What box will you be getting for your playgroup?


  • 2 frames each containing 4 wall sections, covered in Imperial iconography (and skulls!), with 4 columns, 3 column top pieces (1 ruined), a vent and 2 small lamps;  (Sprue D)
  • 2 frames of ruins and floors, each containing 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp;  (Sprue C)
  •  A frame of ruined Sector Imperialis buildings, making 3 sections of ruins featuring shattered window sections, broken columns and pipework; (Sprue A&B)

frame statue


frame statue 1

  • A frame containing 2 large statues: 1 of these clutches a spear taller than himself, with a stoic grimace on his face beneath a cowl – the other, holding a sword, has a skull face (and a shield bearing the legend MORTIS over an hourglass). Both statues can be assembled standing atop plinths or attached to the building’s buttresses. Also included are 9 small lamps;
  • -A frame of columns: 4 complete columns, 1 large archway, 2 support arches, 2 small lamps, 4 top pieces for the columns and 2 small broken floor sections. (Sprue E)

 Sanctum Sector Imperialis $75

kt sanctum

  •  2 frames each containing 4 wall sections, covered in Imperial iconography (and skulls!), with 4 columns, 3 column top pieces (1 ruined), a vent and 2 small lamps; (Sprue D)
  • A frame of ruins and floors, containing 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp; (Sprue C)
  • A frame of ruined Sector Imperialis buildings, making 3 sections of ruins featuring shattered window sections, broken columns and pipework; (Sprue A&B)

frame sanctum
– A frame containing 4 flying buttresses, 4 columns, 4 column top sections and 4 statues. The statues are detailed and grim, clad in heavy robes – 1 clutches a cog-toothed axe, 1 rests a sword upon his column with a large set of keys, 1 holds a sextant and lantern and features a choice of broken or intact head, and 1 is chained, clutching a reliquary (this last statue can optionally be assembled broken.) Also included on this frame are 3 small lamps.

Administratum Sector Imperialis $50

kt administratum


  •  A frame of 4 wall sections, covered in Imperial iconography (and skulls!), with 4 columns, 3 column top pieces (1 ruined), a vent and 2 small lamps; (Sprue D)
  • A frame of ruins and floors, containing 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp; (Sprue C)
  • A frame of ruined Sector Imperialis buildings, making 3 sections of ruins featuring shattered window sections, broken columns and pipework. (Sprue A&B)

Going by the description, there will be an entire set of Administratum in the Kill Team box set.

Ruins Sector Imperialis $35

kt ruins

ruin frame

ruin frame 2

The Sector Imperialis Ruins are a set of 4 sections, designed to evoke a city destroyed by brutal warfare (Sprue A&B)

It looks like all of the terrain is based on the Administratum box with some ruins sprinkled in. The bigger terrain boxes like the Basilicanum have one or two sprues to set them apart. It was clever on GWs part to use some pieces from other terrain to make sure everything was modular.

What do you think of the terrain and the savings on in the Starter Set? Which box will you be picking up? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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