Last 3 40k Kill Team Starter Set Values

kill team starter 2018With the new box getting mixed reviews we wanted to compare the values of all the Kill Team Starter set over the past 3 years.

The main difference between the boxes is really the terrain. While the newer one has a lot of smaller pieces, the older sets came with some very functional terrain for both Kill Team and 40k.

Last 3 40k Kill Team Starter Set Values

kill team arenaThe old starter sets are extremely hard to find still, but if you happen upon one they may just be worth your hobby dollars before Pariah Nexus.

2018 Kill Team Core Game $130

KT box set

GW was clever when they posted the pictures on their website. They don’t show the sprues of the terrain in the box and don’t call it a part of any of the other terrain kits.

But what is the true value of this starter set itself? Let’s start by going down the list

  • Kill Team Core Manual $40
  • Squad of 10 Skitarii (Rangers or Vanguard)  $44
  • Squad of 5 Genestealer Acolyte Hybrids $40
  • Accessories $50
  • Varied set of Imperial Terrain  $136

Total MSRP:  $310 

Total Value: $180

Like with a lot of these sets, a ton of the value comes in the way of terrain and accessories over the minis. And this set had some seriously sweet terrain!

2019 Kill Team Starter Set: $160

Kill Team Starter Set 2

  • Fangs of Ulfrich (Reivers Sq) $35
  • Advance Team Starpulse (Tau Fire Warriors Kit) $50
  • Kill Team Core Manual $40
  • Sector Mechanicus Alchomite Stack (comes in Fangs of Ulfrich Box) $50
  • Ferratonic Incinerator (It’s not the exact kit as there may be some bonus scaffolding. But it’s the closest configuration we’ve seen) $75
  • Third Mechanicus Terrain stack (spotted in the back of the set picture, doesn’t come with any other GW terrain kit) $35

Total MSRP: $285 

Total Value: $125

Again, this had some really sweet terrain that was super sought after and worked super well for 40k. Now, let’s take a look at the most recent set.

2021 Kill Team Pariah Nexus Box $160

  • Necron Chronomancer $35 (based on other characters
  • 5 Flayed Ones $55 (up from $45 in finecast- this is a “best guess” price)
  • Space Marine Captain $35
  • 5 Heavy Intercessors $55 (already rumored, and would match Chaos Havocs & the Flayed Ones- this is a “best guess” price)
  • All Accessories $90 (based on the Kill Team: Arena Box which had almost identical contents minus minis ) 

MSRP: $270

Value: $110

Not terrible value overall, but the terrain is a little lackluster when compared to the previous two set.  This lastest one also has people upset because of the paywall, but we’ve already talked enough about that… That does give it a little more value though because you’re getting minis you can’t get anywhere else.

Have you scored any of these boxes? Did you like the new Pariah Nexus box? 

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