Kromlech’s Orc Field Cannons Take Aim!

By Tim Roberts | November 3rd, 2018 | Categories: Counts As, Kromlech, Tabletop Gaming Products


The creative minds at Kromlech have got your backfield covered with three new variants of Field cannons and crew for your Orc army!

Kromlech has announced that the newest Orc artillery kits are ready for the battlefields. Let’s see what’s new from these hobby maniacs.

Orc Field Cannon with Crew 1: 19,99 €

Orc Field Cannon with Crew 1


Orc Field Cannon with Crew 1


Orc Field Cannon with Crew 1


Orc Field Cannon with Crew 1

This set contains one multi part high quality resin Orc Field Cannon with two goblin crewmen.

Two Round 25mm Slotta Bases included.
Designed for 28mm heroic scale tabletop wargames.

Please note that parts from this cannon and the other two can be used interchangeably to build your own version of Orc Field Cannon.

These units are a great way to hold down a steady rain of fire across the battlefield so your troops can focus on getting stuck it with the enemy!

Orc Field Cannon with Crew 2: 19,99 €

Orc Field Cannon with Crew 2


Orc Field Cannon with Crew 2


Orc Field Cannon with Crew 2


Orc Field Cannon with Crew 2

This set contains one multi part high quality resin Orc Field Cannon with two goblin crewmen.

Two Round 25mm Slotta Bases included.
Designed for 28mm heroic scale tabletop wargames.

Please note that parts from this cannon and the other two can be used interchangeably to build your own version of Orc Field Cannon.

Each of these cannons come with some lively goblin crewmen that enjoy nothing more than watching the enemy go boom!

Orc Field Cannon with Crew 3: 19,99 €

Orc Field Cannon with Crew 3


Orc Field Cannon with Crew 3


Orc Field Cannon with Crew 3


Orc Field Cannon with Crew 3

This set contains one multi part high quality resin Orc Field Cannon with two goblin crewmen.

Two Round 25mm Slotta Bases included.
Designed for 28mm heroic scale tabletop wargames.

Please note that parts from this cannon and the other two can be used interchangeably to build your own version of Orc Field Cannon.

These new Orc Field Cannons would be a great addition to any green skin horde! Make sure you visit Kromlech and see all the great Orc bits that they have to offer your next project!