NEW BITS – Kromlech Sons of Thor: Space Wolves Torsos



Kromlech has just released another set of awesomely wolfy Sons of Thor torsos that would make GREAT Space Wolves models to boot!

These cool pieces of wargear fit perfectly with their Shoulder Pads and Backpacks. To the frozen north we ride!

Via Kromlech

Sons of Thor Torsos $8.86


This set contains five viking-themed SF troopers torsos. There are five different designs and you get one of each.
Sons of Thor Torsos are especially suited for heavily armored warriors.

These awesome guys seem to be made for one army, and that is the Space Wolves of the 41st Millennium! These epic bits have the wolf theme all over them and would go great on some Wolf Guard. How would you use these bits?

Only the finest wargear for the Space Wolves!