New Orc Barrels from Explode on to the Tabletop

By Zeb Barrett | March 2nd, 2017 | Categories: Kromlech, Tabletop Gaming Products

kromlech orc barrels

Ever wondered what Orks use for fuel in their Trukks? Now we can get our hands on some barrels of this mystery fuel to add to our terrain and minis!

Kromlech has released some new Orc Barrels to add more depth to your terrain. Check them out!

Orc Barrels: 7,99€

kromlech orc barrels kromlech orc barrels kromlech orc barrels

This set contains six Orc Barrels (three different designs). Designed to fit futuristic 28mm heroic scale terrain and models. Orc Barrels match our Junk City product line. Each barrel is approximately 23mm height and 16mm diameter.

Head over to Kromlech and check out all these amazing bits and mins! While you’re over there make sure to pick up the new Orc Barrels!