The Grey Knights have no limits on how far they will go to kill the enemy, in some cases for an eternity of battle.
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The Kharadron Overlords are like the steam dwarves of Age of Sigmar and would even make good stand-ins for squats!
Read MoreThe Genestealer Cults are what the Tyranids use to scout out and infiltrate a world well before the advanced fleet arrives!
Read MoreOrks are one of those races that are incredibly hard to kill, and technically they really never lose!
Read MoreWhen you join the Space Marines there are all kinds of chapters and different ranks that you could aspire to be!
Read MoreThe Orks love to cause chaos but not the kind that exists in the Warp more like watching their enemies go crazy looking at the horde!
Read MoreThe Legions of Nurgle are always willing to fight for their mighty plague father as he is always willing to take care of his children!
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard usually brings overwhelming numbers and as many tanks as they can when they go to battle!
Read MoreThe Daemons of Chaos come in all shapes and sizes and are truly immortal as they are made of the immaterial realm of Chaos!
Read MoreThe Space Marines don’t take crap from anyone so keep that in mind if you ever happen to run into one!
Read MoreThe Imperial Knights are brought in when the threat is too big for the regular Space Marines to take care of!
Read MoreThe Adeptus Mechanicus build all the weapons and vehicles for the Imperium of man, so when you piss them off, you better be ready!
Read MoreIn the Old World, there were many different factions of man, including the Empire, the people who followed Sigmar in the Old World!
Read MoreWhen the Dark Eldar really wants someone dead you won’t know till it’s too late, and once you do know, all you will see is Dark Eldar!
Read MoreThe Legions of Slaanesh are some of the scariest if you really think about it, as they are like the Hellraiser Cenobites that take pleasure in your pain!!
Read MoreThe Idoneth Deepkin are Aelves that decided to hide at the bottom of the sea and wait till the old world was almost completely destroyed before showing up!
Read MoreWhen the Space Marines are ready to deploy they have all sorts of ways to do it from Drop Pods to Storm Ravens!
Read MoreThe Legions of Khorne care not from where the blood and skulls come from, just that they keep coming and coming!
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