The Death Guard Sludge Blasters dropped onto the tabletops at the 2020 Las Vegas Open with some especially nasty tricks up their sleeves.
Read MoreLas Vegas Open
The Imperial Guard has modeled their different branches after many of their predecessor’s branches of the military!
Read MoreThe Imperial Knight Titans are like the little brothers of the Imperial Knight Legions, they’re in it, but they aren’t quite monstrous yet!
Read MoreThe Daughters of Khaine is one of the quickest armies to ever grace the realm of Sigmar and draw extra power from the realm of Shadow.
Read MoreThese Blood Angels were spotted on the tabletops of the 2020 LVO rocking some sweet snow bases. Take a closer look at this Blood Angels Army Showcase.
Read MoreThe Nighthaunt are a relatively new faction but they aren’t new to the Realms of Sigmar, as they are fallen warriors returning from the dead!
Read MoreThe Orks are ready to start a battle at any time as they are always eager for a fight, but now that Ghaz is back they’re more prepared than ever!
Read MoreThe Dark Eldar love nothing more than raiding realspace to capture prisoners! The ones who get taken have a lifetime of pain awaiting them.
Read MoreTau has many tools in their arsenal but nothing is quite as fun as fielding giant mech suits and speedy drones. why do it yourself when a robot can?
Read MoreThe Imperial Knight Titans may not be the size of their monstrous brethren but that doesn’t mean they aren’t tiny titans in their own right!
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard are some of the most confident warriors out there. Maybe because they are backed up by legions of tanks…
Read MoreThe Space Marines are always prepared for the worst, no matter what that may be and no matter the cost. That’s why they bring the big guns!
Read MoreThe Space Marines are always willing to get into the battle no matter the enemy, I mean that’s what they were made for after all!
Read MoreThe Tau is one of the younger races in 40k, but that doesn’t mean you should underestimate them! They are here to make you embrace the Great Good.
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard rolled out in force at the Las Vegas Open tables. Check out all the big guns and bodies this list brought to do battle with.
Read MoreThe Death Guard are some of the most disgusting, disturbing, and messed up Space Marines to ever grace the warp. The rot outlasts all!
Read MoreThe Necrons are one of, if not, the oldest race in the 40k universe. They have just been sleeping and waiting for the right time to wake!
Read MoreThe Blood Angels push the line of Heresy. They are one of the chapters that have to hide some of their secrets so they don’t wind up exterminated!
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