Walking Knight Leg Upgrade Bits Unboxing & Build

Legio Legs Unboxing

These Legio Legs were made for walking, and that’s just what they will do! Check out this upgrade kit for your Imperial Knight models to give them a leg up!

Legio Models has done it again as far as Imperial Knight upgrade kits go. We have seen many armor upgrades, but we’ve never seen some sweet legs like these!

This kit allows you to give your Imperial Knight models a dynamic pose with its legs. Get ready for awesome basing and custom posing for your knights, when these finally go on sale from Legio Models!

The Kit

Legio Legs Unboxing

The movable and fully posable Imperial Knight legs are a fantastically crafted resin kit. The set is, of course, like anything 3D sculpted and printed, but cast in resin so this upgrade kit has exceptional quality. They come ready to assemble, just wash the resin with some warm water and dish soap.

The details of the Imperial Knight legs are fantastic and show all of the juicy engineering parts just as you would expect!

Legio Legs Unboxing

Assembly is a breeze with the peg-and-slot pieces on the leg bits. The range of motion is about 90 degrees off center when you are trying to figure out leg posing. Ball joints on the leg joints offer supreme maneuverability when posing your Imperial Knight legs in a dynamic pose.

Assembled Product

Legio Legs Unboxing

Compared to the Games Workshop Imperial Knight legs, the Legio Models legs appear very similar. You can definitely draw some comparisons considering the Games Workshop kit is fixed and immovable. The toes are even fully posable on the Legio legs to give you even more customization when posing.

Legio Legs Unboxing

Fixed atop the Legio legs, an Imperial Knight will have fully customized posing for a dynamic entry. Give your models a little more character with Legio Models and their Imperial Knight legs upgrade kit!

Upgrade set provided for promotion & review