Painting at Wayne Manor? Batman Airbrushing Tutorial Class!

By Rob Baer | August 16th, 2015 | Categories: Lil' Legend Studios
Wanna learn how to paint the Batman? Come see the tutorial that both hands on and for observers!

Via our friends at ‘Lil Legends Studio
Have I mentioned this painting course already?
Animosity presents – Batman Miniature Game Worldwide Tournament 2015 (UK), on the 26th of September at Wollaton Hall. The 26th is officially DC Comics Batman Day.
Some of you will be aware that Animosity has close ties with Lil Legend and on the 26th the Studio will be joining us at Wollaton Hall, Nottingham, to provide a day long airbrush tutorial, focusing on the Arkham City Batman by Knight Models.

The Lil Legends Studio Airbrush Tutorial

Animosity and Lil Legend Studios are proud to offer the opportunity for hobbyists to participate in a one day Airbrush Tutorial under the stewardship of Lil Legend Studios.
Attendees will be able to develop and learn new painting skills as they are tutored throughout the day by the talented Myles David.
The tutorial takes place at Wollaton Hall on the 26th of September parallel to the Batman Miniatures Game Worldwide Tournament.
With the support of Knight Models, each participant will receive their own Batman Miniatures Game, Arkham City Batman Miniature. The Lil Legend will guide students through the painting of the Batman.
Checkout all the details below!

Painting Tutorials with ‘Lil Legends