Cato Sicarius: More Ultramarine Heroes – LORE

By Zeb Barrett | February 26th, 2017 | Categories: Space Marines, Warhammer 40k Lore

cato sicarius

Cato Sicarius’ unexpected tactics led him to many victories and the bestowing of many honors. Let’s take a look at some of these events.

Via our good friends at Lexicanum

After Sicarius took the mantle of Second Company Captain, his first actions took place in the Dantaro Campaign.

Fighting on Masali, Cato Sicarius used the unexpected tactic and score of Land Raider Prometheus to beat the Eldar army that ravaged planet’s population.

cato sicarius

During his various military campaigns Sicarius gained many honors. Among the most famous of these being the Imperial Laurel after the Crusat Minor Planet Strike (733.M41), and the Honorifica Valorum after the Battle of Dyzanyr. During a nine-day battle Sicarius gained the Valor Crest (an honor which is only awarded for near-suicidal acts of bravery) in the Battle for Fort Telendrar. The colours of the crest match those of the noble Talassi house Sicarius was brought up in.

Soon after Sicarius became Captain he was announced the Suzerain of Ultramar in 849.M41 which allowed him to gain control within the Ultramarines hierarchy. Hero of the Medusa V Schism, Sicarius’s first mission was to deploy his forces across the planet in defensive formations and to release his vessels to hunt down any space traffic that might be related to enemy forces of Orks, Eldar, Tyranids, Tau and Chaos. After a long and bloody campaign Sicarius issued an Exterminatus for the dying planet.

cato sicarius

Sicarius’s most famous battle to date stands as the Assault on Black Reach against the Ork Warboss Zanzag. The whole of the Second Company stood against ten thousand Orks. As their ammunition ran dry the Ultramarines fought with knife and chain sword until the last Ork fell. During the epic space battle in the Halamar Rift, the Strike Cruiser Valin’s Revenge destroyed most of the Chaos Space Fleet, but during the battle aboard the main Chaos vessel Sicarius failed to kill the Daemon Prince M’kar, who escaped back to the Eye of Terror.

Cato Damnos Incident

Find out more about Cato Sicarius