Warhammer 40k Lore

Warhammer 40k Lore Articles, Faction Guides, & Wikis

Your source for the latest articles dedicated to the rich and immersive tales of Warhammer 40k, faction guides, and wikis on that universe!

Why Warhammer 40k Captivates Fans

The lore of Warhammer 40k is legendary for its depth, weaving tales of heroism, treachery, and cosmic conflict. From the rise of the Emperor of Mankind and the tragedy of the Horus Heresy to the dark ambitions of Chaos Gods and the unending war for survival among countless factions, the 40k universe is rich with stories that captivate and inspire.

Start your journey into the heart of the Warhammer 40k universe , where the galaxy is at constant war and heroes rise and fall. Bookmark this page for your go-to source on all things Warhammer.



With all the Tau talk on the web, let’s take a look at the XV104 Riptide, a heavyweight of the battlefield, that is sure to cause the death of scores of enemies on any planet.

Read More | March 10th, 2018

Today we dig through the lowest parts of the Necromunda and unearth the toughest house in the Hive City. Hide your lunch money, here comes House Goliath! 

Read More | March 3rd, 2018

Mephiston is one of the most famous Blood Angel Librarians of all time. His psychic ability reaches far beyond the limits of a mortal man. Come find out more about the history of this loved character.

Read More | February 26th, 2018

Today we take a look at the Primarch of the Imperial Fist Rogal Dorn. His dedication to his father was unshaken, as some see Dorn as perfect example of a good son.

Read More | February 19th, 2018

In Warhammer 40k, humanity battles for survival against alien threats, malevolent gods, and its own internal struggles. Discover the epic lore of Space Marines, ancient and powerful alien races, corrupted Chaos forces, and the ever-present danger of the warp.

Click on any of the links below for the best lore that you need to know: