True Raw Power Ork Weirdboy: LORE

By Tim Roberts | May 12th, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News

There are a lot of Psychic disciplines in the lore of the 41st millennium that controls the true raw power of the warp. Well, let’s throw discipline and control right out the window, these are Orks after all.

Let’s take a look at what true blinding psychic power looks like in the Ork Weirdboy.

All Orks have some innate ability to harness the power of the warp. It’s what makes their ramshackle creations function. From their Shootas to their Deffdreads, it’s the sheer power of the warp and their belief that actually make these things work. But very few Orks have unlocked their true psychic potential. Today lets take a look at a ticking time bomb: The Ork Weirdboy. 

Weirdboy Waagh

Via Lexicanum

Weirdboyz have no control over their ability to absorb the Orkish psychic energy, only being able to channel and discharge it in the form of a specific effect, such as the Psychic Vomit and Gork’ll Get ‘Em!

Orks in battle are always chanting, stomping their feet and brandishing their weapons in an enthusiastic fashion. The anticipation and excitement floods the battlefield in Orkish psychic energy which is absorbed by Weirdboyz.

weirdboy lore

Weirdboyz dislike being around other Orks as the pure energy given off unconsciously by other Orks can build up in them and eventually results in an ‘Eadbang if it can’t be discharged safely. Weirdboyz discharge the energy in the form of a wave of energy erupting from its mouth much like vomiting fire. While the Weirdboy feels a lot better for this, those around him are unlikely to feel the same way.

To this end, Weirdboyz are forced to live away from the rest of the Ork settlement. They live in large, raised houses built on copper stilts which help to channel their psychic power into the ground, like a wire conducts electricity. The ‘Weirdhouses’ are guarded at all times and Wyrdboyz aren’t allowed to wander the camp without an escort of a couple of guards, or ‘Minderz’.

weirdboy lore

Weirdboyz wear brightly-coloured and gaudy clothes and large, conspicuous hats to mark them out from other Orks, so they can be easily avoided – and also because the discomfort and danger of being psychic conduits often tempts them to hide or even run off when they are most needed. For the same reason, their clothing often incorporates bells, rattles and other devices that make a noise when the Weirdboyz moves.

weirdboy lore

Weirdboyz carry copper staffs around to help earth excess psychic energy. If a Weirdboy is caught in the middle of a group of excited Orks, things will quickly go from bad to worse and furniture will start flying around the room and guns will fire along with a variety of other strange things.

weirdboy lore

The ‘Eadbang occurs when a Wyrdboy cannot let go of his built up power fast enough. Literally, their heads explode, and the psychic overspill can be so great that the heads of other nearby Orks explode as well. For this reason, Weirdboyz are also known as ‘Eadbangers. During combat, a Weirdboyz can build up immense amounts of power, causing him a lot of pain. His psychic outburst however is highly effective at frying handfuls of the enemy at once.

Weirdboyz often find themselves dragged onto the battlefield by their Minderz and used as living weapons, usually involuntarily. The Minderz drag the poor Weirdboy towards the enemy lines and when they see sparks in his eyes they snatch away his copper stick and try to bodily aim him in the direction of the enemy. The results can be devastating, both for and against the Orks. If given the chance, Weirdboyz will flee the battlefield in order to escape the pain of the gathering of Orks.

Orks Glyph

Find out more about the Ork Weirdboy.