Max Out Your Malifaux Models With Elrik’s Hobbies

By Tim Roberts | April 28th, 2024 | Categories: Elrik's Hobbies, Hordes, Malifaux, Warmachine, Wyrd

Round Lip BasesLooking for a differnt way to customize your Malifaux or Warmachine minis? Check out these great bases from Elrik’s Hobbies.

The hobby maniacs at Elrik’s want to make your gaming life a little easier with some great custom bases for your favorite games. Let’s take a look at some of their round lip bases.

Round Edge Urban Large tile:

Round Edge Urban Large tile


Round Edge Urban Large tile


Round Edge Urban Large tile

These large tiles are different than our other large tile bases in the sense that these are urban. These are more like floorplates and they haven’t fallen into disrepair. They do feature scrapes and scratches, chipped tiles, and some partially removed tiles for some variation.

These bases feature an additional rounded lip, making them match the style of games like Warmahordes, Infinity, and Malifaux.

As with all our products, these are hand-crafted (artisanal, you might say) resin bases made right here in the U.S. of A.

Remember, when working with resin (sanding, drilling, cutting, etc…) it is advisable to wear a mask to avoid inhaling the dust.

Painted items are for show only. You will receive new unpainted items that you order.

Round Edge Industrial Ruins:

Elrik's Hobbies Bases


Elrik's Hobbies Bases


Elrik's Hobbies Bases


Elrik's Hobbies Bases

The Outlands of the future is a contemporary wasteland and are not a tidy place. Debris from conquered cities and vanquished war machines litter the ground beneath your feet. If you’ve got a quick eye and a steady hand a gal can make quite a living gathering still-working parts and trading them for things what you might need. It surely isn’t glamorous, but it might keep your belly full and give you a bit of shine for some pretties. Just don’t trust the big green brutes. They only pay in teef, and you can’t trade none for those.

  • These bases feature an additional rounded lip, making them match the style of games like Warmahordes, Infinity, and Malifaux.
  • As with all our products, these are hand-crafted (artisanal, you might say) resin bases made right here in the U.S. of A.
  • Remember, when working with resin (sanding, drilling, cutting, etc…) it is advisable to wear a mask to avoid inhaling the dust.

These are just a few of the many styles that Elrik’s keeps in stock! Make sure you visit their site and check out more basestoday!

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