Chem Zone Painted Terrain Set Holiday Giveaway!

By Rob Baer | January 1st, 2020 | Categories: Monthly giveaway

Game-Mat-EU-banner-largeWin a complete set of Chem Zone 2 Pre-Painted Terrain from Game Mat EU!  It’s the big giveaway your gaming table has been waiting for!

Get your entries in for a chance to win this awesome terrain set from our friends at the Game Mat EU Here are all the details you need:

LINK: Enter Now

It Pays For Itself! 2 Character Minis For $10, Discounts & More

Primaris-smooth-patreonThis pays for itself! It’s time to score two character models, money-saving discount codes and a ton of other benefits for only $10!  Now is YOUR chance to get in on all the cool miniature swag we feature in our videos here at Spikey Bits, by being a gracious supporter on Patreon!

Do you have a tabletop in mind for this set of terrain if you win?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group!