One Day Left: Win this Creature Caster Orktober Giveaway

By Rob Baer | October 20th, 2019 | Categories: Monthly giveaway

Orc Forge Lord wall

Only one day left for this Orktober giveaway! Check out how you could score the incredible new Creature Caster Orc Forge Lord for free.

We are giving away a Creature Caster Orc Forge Lord model to a lucky hobbyist this Orktober. If you’ve not seen much on Creature Caster models before and want to get the full scoop on the details for winning this incredible model check this out:

Don’t Miss This Creature Caster Orc Forge Lord Giveaway

Orc Forge Lord


Orc Forge Lord

The Orc Forge Lord is one of Creature Caster’s newest models to hit their web store. With an Orc taking his prowess to the Forge, he’s posed with one massive arm that anyone would hate to be on the business end of while stepping over one of his anvils. This normally goes for $42 on Creature Casters’ website. You may be able to get one for FREE!


Just in time for Orktober, win the assembled model from our video review! We’ll be giving this piece away in about a week so make sure you enter now! Shipping will also be included to the lucky winner. Be sure to check out the restrictions on the giveaway page as well.

If you weren’t sold on the model already, here’s that video review as well:

Also, be sure to check out more from Creature Caster and their beautiful collection of minis.

What’s your favorite Creature Caster model? Have you already painted this guy up? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!

Models provided for promotion and review.