TanksGiving Conversion Contest- Two Weeks Left!

By Rob Baer | November 16th, 2011 | Categories: Monthly giveaway, tanksgiving

Just a friendly reminder, there is about two weeks left in the TanksGiving conversion contest!

Don’t wait, get cracking now before the holiday hits!

What’s it all about you ask? Well were doing a contest to get YOU! motivated to convert up a tank and enter it for a chance to win a Baneblade Super-Heavy Tank!

But you’re not making just any tank my friends you get to convert up a SUPER BATTLE TANK.

You get to convert up the most ridiculous tank using the old Vehicle Design Rules (VDR). Yep that’s right remember all that Gatling Long barreled Mega weapon ridiculousness from back in the day? Time have some fun again!

To get an idea of what to make, you can use Army Builder (or there is an online java VDR Builder) to compute the points for your Super Battle Tank.

There is however one minor catch. To enter you must be a follower of the blog, and submit your entry picture and stats to us by November 26th 2011. Please no painted model pics, unless accompanied by WIP shots and final pic before paint.

We’ll feature all the tanks shortly after that, and I’ll pick my favorites and put them up for voting.

The winner will get a shiny new Baneblade Super Heavy Tank (new on sprue) for their efforts! Runners up will get some store credit to as well!

Remember this is a conversion contest, so you get extra consideration for creativity and uniqueness. Painting while nice is not a factor.

So what are you waiting for? Start the brainstorming Tank Commander! -MBG
Email submissions to rbaer zero zero zero two at

Don’t forget, We do sell bits for less! Over at the Spikey Bits Online Storeall bits are 20% OFF.  Just type the code Bits20OFF in the promotion code field when you check out and BAM! bits on the cheap!