
Necromunda News, Articles, Updates & Rumors

Keep up with all the latest Necromunda updates, the latest gang tactics, campaign twists, and all the new ways to make your rivals disappear into a sludge.

Welcome to the underhive, where the latest news, rules, model releases, and updates on the brutal gang wars of Necromunda roll in faster than a stim-rushing Goliath.

If you’re here, you’re probably looking for the freshest scraps of intel on the power struggles, shady dealings, and high-caliber showdowns that define life beneath the spires of the Imperium.

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From the muscle-bound bruisers of House Goliath to the poison-laced intrigue of the Escher Matriarchs, there’s always something stirring in the hive’s darkest corners.

Whether it’s an update on the latest models, shifting game mechanics, or just the latest power grab from some upstart House, you’ll find it all right here.

So load your stubber, check your creds, and get ready—because the only thing more dangerous than an underhive ganger is one who stays ahead of the game.