5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded From DMs Guild

By Tim Roberts | April 5th, 2019 | Categories: Dungeons & Dragons, RPG, Tabletop Gaming Products

5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded From DMs Guild

Add some spice to your 5E Monster manual with this new Supplement from the RPG maniacs at the DMs Guild… Roll Initiative!

The DMs Guild is a great place to find amazing content for your D&D 5E games. The content you will find there is created by gamers for gamers. Let’s look at a cool new addition to your Monster Manual!

Monster Manual Expanded 5E (PDF): $19.95

5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded From DMs Guild


5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded From DMs Guild


5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded From DMs Guild


5E D&D Monster Manual Expanded From DMs Guild

Monster Manual Expanded has plenty that should spark a player’s imagination. From enormous mimics to mind flayer assassins to succubi with bardic abilities, there’s plenty of monsters to add to a DM’s arsenal and turn a good encounter into an instantly memorable one. Best of all, none of the monsters feel overpowered or unbalanced, so DMs can toss these creatures into their campaigns instantly with minimal prep involved.” – (

“The creativity and attention to detail that went into this already makes it must have companion to your MM… you should buy this book and watch your player’s jaws drop when monsters they thought they knew prove capable of so much more!” – DnD Character Lab (

“Monster Manual Expanded does a fantastic job of lovingly recreating monsters that were sadly missing from 5e… Whether you’re looking to populate your homebrew world or just looking to make that 10th playthrough of Lost Mines of Phandelver a little more interesting, Monster Manual Expanded should be one of your go to resources.” – Nerdimmersion (

Monster Manual Expanded is a 321-page source of content that supplements the Monster Manual.  It aims to provide Dungeon Masters more options and flexibility in designing adventures and dressing up their dungeons with a wider variety of creatures and characters that are based on the Monster Manual.  Finally, it also adds variants that provide a nostalgic and classic feel that DMs experienced with the older editions are probably familiar with.

In total, there are over 470 creature stat blocks in this book at the Dungeon Master’s disposal!  

Make sure you visit the DMs Guild and secure your copy today and while you are there see what other great product they have to offer!