A Ring Of Fire: Latest Wyrd Preview

By Tim Roberts | March 2nd, 2018 | Categories: Malifaux, Tabletop Gaming Products, Wyrd

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Wyrd Games has released a new preview of The Undying box for their crown jewel Malifaux. Let’s take a look at the ring of fire that is The Wanyudo!

Wyrd Games the creators of the hit Game Malifaux has been teasing us with the hot new box set The Undying for weeks and we can’t wait to get our hands on a copy. Let’s look at the newest preview from the crazy creators at Wyrd, The Wanyudo.

Wanyudo face

Wanyudo are the spirits of particularly wicked people who have taken the form of a severed head mounted at the center of a flaming wheel. Typically, only those spirits who abused their power while alive become Wanyudo in death, but Minako Rei can force this punishment upon those she kills. The created Wanyudo are subservient to her wishes, much like beaten dogs.

On the tabletop, Wanyudo are fast enforcers that roll over anything in their path, leaving a path of broken and flaming bodies behind them. This makes them great for chasing down fast models, as does their ability to move through severe terrain without penalty.

Wanyudo Preview

The Undying keeps getting better every week. What do you think of the Wanyudo preview? Does the Wanyudo have a place on your game table? Let us know in the comments.

Don’t forget to head over to the forums at Wyrd Games and discuss it there as well.