Add Something New To Your Mini Collection

By Zeb Barrett | December 1st, 2016 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products


Add something new and different to your miniatures collection by picking up a couple of these sick new models that are sure to make people stop and look!

Ever wanted a four armed Elephant warrior or perhaps a land whale to smash enemies with? Then you will be happy to see these!cover-aradia

Source: Aradia Miniatures

Malefika – Limited Edition: 37.00€


Sculptor: George GEORGY

Box art: Alex VARELA

Dimension: 70mm

High quality resin kit

Limited edition composed by 500 numbered and signed units: 250 units have gone during 2015!

From November 2016 the last 250 units will be available, don’t miss her!

Falena – The Dark Side of the Nature: 55.00€


Concept: Stefano MORONI

Sculptor: Benoit CAUCHIES

Box art: Mirko CAVALLONI

Dimension: 75mm

High quality resin kit

Ganesh: 50.00€


Concept: Stefano MORONI

Sculptor: Allan CARRASCO

Box art: Sergio Calvo RUBIO

Dimension: 80 mm

High quality resin kit

Mawhi: 55.00€

mawhi aradia minis

Concept: Stefano MORONI

Sculptor: Allan CARRASCO

Boxart: Mirko CAVALLONI

Dimension: 80mm

High quality resin kit

The Green Knight: 85.00€

the green knight aradia

Concept: Stefano MORONI

Sculptor: Benoit CAUCHIES

Dimension: 75mm

High quality resin kit

I’m not sure about all of you, but I am having a very hard time trying to decide which model is my favorite! Can’t I just get ’em all? Head over to Aradia Miniatures to grab up any of these models and see everything else available!