An All New Creature Codex For 5E From Kobold Press

By Tim Roberts | November 5th, 2018 | Categories: Dungeons & Dragons, Tabletop Gaming Products


Come and see what is new from Kobold Press as we take a look at the latest Creature Codex to hit the market for your 5E D&D games!

The creative minds at Kobold Press are at the forefront of content creation for your games 5E. Come and take a look at the latest tome from this amazing company!

Creature Codex for 5th Edition: $49.99

Kobold Press

Whether you need scuttling dungeon denizens, alien horrors, or sentient avatars of the World Tree, the Creature Codex has you covered! Nearly 400 new foes for your 5th Edition game—everything from acid ants and grave behemoths to void giants and zombie lords.

This book will add a host of new horrors for your party to face with detailed artwork and monster stats and backstories!

Creature Codex


  • A dozen new demons and five new angels
  • Wasteland dragons and dinosaurs
  • All-new golems, including the altar flame golem, doom golem, and keg golem
  • Elemental lords and animal lords to challenge powerful parties
  • Chieftains and other leaders for ratfolk, centaurs, goblins, trollkin, and more
  • New undead, including a heirophant lich to menace lower-level characters

You will have at your disposal, new villains and encounters that will keep your adventure fresh and keep your party guessing as to what awaits behind every turn.

Creature Codex

Make sure you check out Kobold Press and see what they might have to offer your game and to secure your copy of the Creature Codex today!