Avatar Of War’s January New Releases

By Felix Paniagua | January 22nd, 2018 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming, Tabletop Gaming Products
Barbarian Shaman
Avatars of War is starting off the new year strong with three new miniatures with plenty of assembly options. Come check out these new kits!

For those that are unfamiliar, Avatars of War is a company that was founded by Felix Paniagua to bring life to his personal project of creating a unique line of fantasy miniatures. Avatars of War is also a supporter of The 9th Age fantasy wargame by producing compatible miniatures, promotional materials, and rulebooks. Their latest release consists of three multi-part plastic kits with each kit having two different assembly options.

Shamans and Witch Doctors are able to extract and manipulate the energy of living beings, for good or for evil. They are also expert healers, whose ancient arts can defeat the most rare disease.

This blister contains one metal barbarian that can be assembled as:
  – Shaman equipped with three-eyed raven staff
  – Witch Doctor equipped with a Voodoo staff and doll.
Contains also a 40mm plastic round base and a 20mm plastic square base.

Seekers are a special clan of Dwarf warriors who fight with frenzied rage and much more viciously than the rest of Dwarfs.  A Dragon or a Vengeance Seeker will bring brute force to your army!

This blister contains one metal female Dwarf that can be assembled as:
  – Vengeance Seeker equipped with whirling chains
  – Dragon Seeker equipped with paired weapons or great weapon
Contains also a 20mm plastic round base and a 20mm plastic square base.

The Princes of the Highborn Elves are beings of great power, beauty and wisdom. Formidable warriors and artisans, heroes in the greatest legends and battles, and forgers the most valuable objects ever created.
This blister contains one metal Highborn Elf that can be assembled as:
  – Battle Standard Bearer equipped with plastic resin banner and optional shield 
  – Highborn Princess equipped with lance, halberd or sword and optional shield
Contains also a 20mm plastic round base and a 20mm plastic square base.
These kits are available to order now. In addition to these releases, there is also a promotion that is in effect until January 24th that will give 15% on all miniatures from armies that get reinforcements with the new releases.
For more on these kits and to see the full range of miniatures being offered, visit Avatars of War!