Build Your Own D&D Landscape With This New Kickstarter

Come and see one of the most affordable ways to build your own unique D&D world one block at a time with this new RPG Terrain Kickstarter.

The creative team at Monster Adventure Game Terrain are gearing up for their new Kickstarter that allows you to build your own D&D or RPG terrain. If you like LEGOS then you will love this!


We’re proud to introduce a labor of passion and love for all of us here at Monster Gaming: The Monster Adventure Terrain!

Monster Adventure Terrain is the world’s first fully modular and AFFORDABLE 3D world-building system for tabletop games. Our pieces are specially designed so you can construct and reconstruct your game worlds in an instant. With our newly invented “snap on” system, all you have to do is “click” your pieces into place. This makes constructing and deconstructing your game worlds easy and allows you to build your dungeons, taverns, castles, and caverns in minutes. Best of all, it won’t cost you all of your gold and copper coins to afford it!



Each of our pledge levels come with transparent base plates, allowing you to snap your pieces securely to the table and remove them just as quickly. Gone are the days of knocking over your intricately built worlds while playing! 

Simply put, Monster Adventure Terrain offers unparalleled realism, modularity, and affordability. 

Be prepared to immerse yourself in your game world like never before!



This Kickstarter Presents you with an affordable option that allows you to build and rebuild your own world time and time again. The bricks look as they lock into place well and there is a comforting audible snap when the pieces look together. Let’stake a look at some of their pledge levels.




Make sure you visit this RPGTerrain Kickstarter and make your pledge and get ready for a world of adventure of your design.