Corvus Belli Gen Con 2018 New Release Lineup

By Tim Roberts | July 18th, 2018 | Categories: Infinity, Tabletop Gaming Products

Coldfront Feature

Come, take a look, and see the great new release lineup from Corvus Belli. Just in time for this year’s Gen Con extravaganza.

Gen Con is going to be lit this year, with top vendors like Corvus Belli saving some amazing choice releases for just the occasion. Let’s take a look at what they have in store for Infinity players new and old.


Operation Coldfront

The New Two-Player Introductory Boxed Set Infinity: Operation Coldfront

  • A battle pack with all the necessary parts to jump right into  Infinity.
  • Corvus Belli presents two new sectorials: Tartary Army Corps (Ariadna) and OperationS (ALEPH).
  • Pre-Orders of the boxed set will also include an exclusive limited edition miniature (Wardriver Mercenary Hacker).
  • It will be available for pre-order from July 17th to August 6th with a MRSP  of 89,95€.

Bueu, July 17th, 2018.- Corvus Belli Is happy to announce their new Battle Pack “Operation Coldfront”. It includes all the necessary miniatures and accessories for two players to start playing infinity right out of the box!.

Only the pre-order includes a limited and exclusive miniature: a Wardriver Mercenary Hacker.

Coldfront pre-order exclusive


The boxed set will include two starter packs belonging to two of the most anticipated sectorials in the community: The Tartary Army Corps (TAK) from Ariadna and OperationS (OSS) of  ALEPH. 14 high-quality metal miniatures that introduce new players to the most dynamic wargame on the market.

In addition to all of this, Operation Coldfront includes a scenery pack, a gaming mat, templates, markers, a ruler and six custom dice (three for each faction). It also contains a full-color introductory booklet that includes the background story behind Ariadna and Aleph’s legendary conflict, five tutorial missions to learn the basic game mechanics of infinity, and all that each player needs to know about the Universe of Infinity.

This new box joins the other two boxed sets currently available, “Operation Icestorm” and “Operation Red Veil”. This is another great opportunity for new players to dive into the game of Infinity in a fun and dynamic way.


Con Exclusive infinity

Exclusive box with next months releases only during pre-order.

This box includes:

  • Strelok K-9, Kazak Reconaissance Unit submachine Gun + K-9 Antipode
  • Asura Hacker multi rifle
The Advanced Pack (Convention Exclusive Pre-release) will be available to pre-order from July 17th to August 6th with a MRSPof 29,95€.



Dart is the rich heiress of a business conglomerate specialized in the manufacture of biochemical compounds. Her passion and dedication to extreme sports led her to enroll in Aristeia! as the icon of her own company, Aura Biochemicals, where she could finally enjoy the challenge of hunting the best aristos of the Human Sphere.

After she earned glory and fame, more than she could have ever imagined, ALEPH sent her a proposal: become Posthuman. Bored of Aristeia!, she accepted a position within the Optimates, a group of Posthumansthatworks hand by hand with the SSS. Since then, once again she can enjoy hunting aliens from the Combined Army in the jungles of Paradiso.

Make sure you get your pre-orders in for the new Operation Coldfront two player box. Also if you are going to Gen Con 2018 visit Corvus Belli and get your hands on some sweet Con exclusive Infinity!

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