Doing Your Part? Warzone: Resurrection Rules Download

Mishima warzone resurrection

Warzone Resurrection 2.0 beta rules are now available for download. Make sure to do your part by trying out these new rules and giving feedback.

Download the Warzone Resurrection beta rules today and play with your friends. Check out all the game has to offer and make sure to give your feedback to make the game as successful and fun as possible!

warzone resurrection

Source: Warzone Resurrection

There are 7 factions to chose from Warzone Resurrection range and still growing! Every faction is unique and have its own playstyle.


brotherhood army warzone resurrection

Dark Legion

DarkLgion Army warzone resurrection


Mishima warzone resurrection


ImperialArmy warzone resurrection


Capitol warzone resurrection


Cybertronic warzone resurrection


Bauhaus Warzone resurrection

Choose the Corporation that suits you the best or models that you like the most!

You can start playing with just a squad and a hero or pick up a Starter Box.

Your forces will grow in time, giving you diversity and possibility to fight bigger battles.

To download the beta rules and check out more on the armies of Warzone Resurrection, stop by the Warzone website