Dress Up Your Terrain With Hive City Statues

By Tim Roberts | December 12th, 2018 | Categories: Kromlech, Tabletop Gaming Products, Terrain

Hive City Statues

Dress up your next terrain project with these amazing, affordable Hive City Legionary Statues from Kromlech. Let’s take a look.

The hobby maniacs at Kromlech get very little sleep it seems. They are always cranking out new bits, minis, and terrain for the tabletop wargame scene. Let’s see what they have been working so hard on.

Hive City Legionary Statue: 7,99 €





hive-city-legionary-statue (4)

This set contains one high quality resin miniature of Legionary Statue with four heads to choose from.
Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

The statue is fully compatible with Imperial Triumphal Arch, fitting every niche and on top of the columns.

These new Hive City Legionary Statues are a great way to take a great look existing terrain project and claim it for the Emporer.

Make sure you check out the hobby maniacs at Kromlech and see all the great stuff that they have to offer today!