Flesh Out Your Dungeon In 2D with Tabletop Tokens

By Tim Roberts | November 19th, 2018 | Categories: Kickstarter, RPG, Tabletop Gaming Products, Terrain


Come and take a look at a great way for you to flesh out your dungeon on the go with Tabletop Tokens for your RPG games that look great!

A dry erase mat is great for the on the go DM but sometimes drawing stick figures kind of takes you out of the moment. That is where this product shines. Let’s take a look at the Tabletop Tokens 2 Kickstarter!


 After a successful first run, we are now offering a Town Market Set, a Graveyard Set, and a Dungeon Set. The Rooftops Set will also become available after we hit our first stretch goal of $30K. With these products, gamers can open up all new levels of immersion.


These tokes are beautifully illustrated and turn a dry erase mat into a work of art with ease. Let’s take a look at some samples from these great terrain sets.








These tokens are perfect for those who are enthusiastic about board games, card games, and role-playing games. I, personally, was tired of stopping mid-game to draw a new room, so I wanted to create something that was cool, that was unique and that I could use myself.


Te Best part about these cool kits are the fact that they are afordable at $15 bucks a peace they are deffenantly woth a try. Make sure you visit the Tabletop Tokens Kickstarter and see the great pledge levels that they have to offer today!