Forge World Announces Their Fastest Moving Products

Forge-world-selling-fastWith all the newest releases being pretty popular, these are all the ones that are moving the fastest and selling out over at Forge World lately!

Games like Horus Heresy, Lord of the Rings, and Warhammer 40k are going stronger than ever, as there is no shortage of players out there that are keeping up with newer releases.

Check out what everyone is buying these days with this new release Forge World bestsellers list!

Forge World Announces Their Fastest Moving Products

fw january selling fast 1For the first six products, there is Alpharius (no doubt to get the hype with the new book), Sanguinius, Dark Angels Inner Circle Knights, Imperial Armour Compendium, and the Titanicus Styrix/Magaera dual purpose kit.

While Alpharius isn’t new, the book is brand new and sold out in minutes, so it’s fair to see why they included him here as well. Sanguinius is seeing an uptick, he is one of the most dynamic models we’ve seen from FW/GW so it’s a fantastic model to have on a shelf or to play with in Horus Heresy.

The Inner Circle Knights release back with Lion El’Johnson, which is notably missing here. People may take these unique kits to make a super interesting Deathwing squad in 40k.

The Imperial Armour Compendium will probably be in bestselling for awhile. It has ALL of the FW model rules for 40k (of course at the time of the release of the book).

Lastly the dual purpose Styrix/Magaera kit for Titanicus, these are the same knight with different load-outs and rules in Titanicus, if you play, these are probably worth picking up.

fw january selling fast 2The second set of six includes a wide arrange of specialty games from Lord of the Rings, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Horus Heresy, and Titanicus. First up, the Gundabad Warbats are sweet models that might be able to serve as a unique chaotic beast model in your Warcry games, although getting a full squad would be much more expensive.

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The Ogre Team and Gloriel Summerbloom both offer unique models to Blood Bowl. These both are models with unique sculpts that aren’t really seen anywhere else, so it may be worth even just trying and paint them. The Rogue Doc is a good Necromunda model, but also is simple enough to probably find plenty of use as an alternate model elsewhere.

Horus Heresy’s Deathwing Companions may run into the same idea as before being potential Alternative Deathwing Squads in 40k, which would look dope on the table but would run you some extra cash.

Last but not least is the Knights Atrapos for Adeptus Titanicus. Due to the scale, they are really only good for that game, or a special diorama if you want to try it, but they are only really good for players looking for those two things.

fw january selling fast 3The last group is completely sold out but still offers a look/reminder at some dope models. Zolcath the Zoat and Saul Tarvitz are both some of the cooler models released at the end of 2020, but unfortunately also sold out pretty fast. Personalities of Bree offer some more generic LoTR characters, but they are also great models for other RPG storytelling like DnD.

The Armoured Troll might be a great model in Blood Bowl to look out for, but it also might offer a good model to use in a Gloomspite Gitz army with some creative painting to give the models extra variation. The Ground Assets for Imperialis are super-specialized. However, they offer some decent terrain piece in any art projects like dioramas or even sci-fi storytelling.

Some of these kits were sold out at the time of writing this, so make sure to double-check your region, look back regularly, or even sign up to get an email from FW when it’s back in stock on the product pages.

What do you think about these recent release kits that are the best selling? Have you bought any of these?

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