FREE Download: Maelstrom’s Edge V2 New Rulebook!

By Travis Pasch | January 20th, 2022 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Maelstroms Edge feature rMaelstrom’s Edge V2 has a new rulebook on the way and you can actually download the Beta rules to test it out right now!

If you’ve played the first edition, the second one looks to be even better! If you haven’t played yet, it’s always a great time to get into a new game when a new game drops. Because you’ll be just as caught up on the rules as anyone else.

They also already have a really cool miniatures line to go with the game, which you can check out here, but today we’ll be focusing on the new rules. If you want to download the rules for yourself, they have them here for free!

FREE Download: Maelstrom’s Edge V2 New Rulebook! 

Maelstroms EdgeThey have totally streamlined the new rules, so if you were a fan of the original rules but didn’t love them, then this is going to be perfect for you! However, if you loved the core rules, they are keeping them in there but just strengthening them. Since there are some big changes, we are going to let them tell you about them!

SIMPLIFIED UNIT ACTIONS: The largest change in v2 is how unit actions work. The activation test is gone and a unit can now perform up to 3 actions, selected from: movement actions (Move, Dash, Charge), status actions (Aim, On the Move, Take Cover) and shooting actions (Fire, Suppressive Fire, CQ Fighting). While there are some additional caveats to this system (a unit can perform a maximum of only 1 movement and 1 shooting action per activation, for example), we’ve found during playtesting that by splitting the action rules into these smaller “bite-sized” chunks, it makes the whole system much easier to remember.

A NEW DICE ENGINE: The new dice rolling engine in v2 is quite unique, but still based exclusively on 6-sided dice that most players prefer. It is both simple enough to quickly understand, yet nuanced enough to offer: built-in bad luck protection, having both players involved with each round of shooting and tactical player choice within the dice rolling process. Most importantly, when units shoot at each other, the amount of damage they cause now just feels right.

Maelstroms Edge 2

FEWER SPECIAL RULES: With v2, we’ve realized that adding back a few more characteristics to the model/weapon profile means a big reduction in the amount of special abilities in the game. Plus, the abilities we have kept have been greatly simplified, all with the end goal of making each unit’s full rules (including all the text for their unit and weapon abilities) fit onto just a single page.

Conclusion of the New Rules

Maelstroms Edge 3

As you can see, the new rules for Maelstrom’s Edge are chock full of improvements…and none of what we’ve presented above even covers the massive rules re-work we’ve done for every single unit in the game. Their rules are both far more streamlined but also laser-focused on allowing them to perform exactly how they’re supposed to. It’s been an extremely long time coming, but we can’t wait for you to try out the new rules and let us know what you think!

That does it for this one, if you want a great new game to play, this may be the one to check out!

Click Here To Download the Beta Rules!