Free Krampus Miniature With Chirstmas Orders

By Zeb Barrett | December 8th, 2016 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products

krampus titan forge

Come check out the latest releases from Titan Forge and learn how to get a free Krampus miniature with every Christmas order!

Titan Forge has some incredible miniatures and now you can get your hands on a free Krampus miniature when you order for Christmas!

Source: Titan Forge (facebook)

titan forge krampus

Christmas time is almost here and we have some gifts for you. To every order above 50 euro you receive one Krampus miniature for free.

“Have you been good?
Behaved as you should?
Those who have not
It’s understood

Krampus will come
Looking for some
You are not safe
Best that you run!”

Here are a few new releases you can add to your cart and get your hands on Krampus for free!

Kaimo Phantoms: 17.00€

kaimo phantoms

This resin set contains enough parts to make five Ka’imo Phantom models:

2 x Ka’imo Phantom body ver.1
2 x Ka’imo Phantom body ver.2
1 x Ka’imo Phantom body ver.3
2 x Ka’imo Phantom hands ver.1
2 x Ka’imo Phantom hands ver.2
1 x Ka’imo Phantom hands ver.3
5 x Bases

Scale: 28mm , Model height: 33mm

Master model sculpted by Daniel Wysocki.

Void Cannon: 8.00€

void cannon titan forge

This resit set contains enough parts to make one Spectre Void Cannon model:

1 x Void Cannon base
2 x Void Cannon side
2 x cannon option A
2 x cannon option B
1x Void Cannon driver

Scale: 28mm

Master model sculpted by Daniel Wysocki.

Anklebiters: 12.00€

This set contains enough parts to build 3 Anklebiters, : “Forfiter” , “Schwagier” and “Franca”

1 x Anklebiter body ver 1
1 x Anklebiter body ver 2
1 x Anklebiter body ver 3
1 x Head ver 1
1 x Head ver 2
1 x Head ver 3
1 x Tail ver 1
1 x Tail ver 2
1 x Tail ver 3
3 x 25 mm x 50 mm scenic base

Master model sculpted by P. Szymczyk

Head over to Titan Forge and throw a minimum of 50€ in your shopping cart, check out and receive a Krampus miniature for free! What a killer deal! Don’t hesitate because this deal is only available for Christmas!