Get Your Hunt Started With 4 New Circle Orboros Releases

By Zeb Barrett | February 8th, 2017 | Categories: Hordes, Privateer Press, Tabletop Gaming Products

Circle of Oroboros

Some amazing new models have been added to Circle Orboros as well as a new rule book for the faction. Come see what’s new for Hordes!

If riding into battle upon the back of a great wolf or commanding a beastly Warpwolf is you thing, then you will love what Privateer Press has for us now!

Source: Privateer Press

Loki: $49.99

loki circle orboros

Unique among his kind, Loki has managed to maintain a measure of both his sanity and his humanity even through the torturous transformation from man to warpwolf. His cunning combines with his imposing physical presence to make him a particularly terrifying beast of war. Fighting at Tanith’s side with shield and hooked blade in hand, he carves a bloody path through his opponents in battle, relishing the carnage.

Kaya the Wildheart: $29.99

kaya the wildheart circle orboros

Atop her moon-white wolf Laris, Kaya the Wildheart rides at the head of swift forces fighting with fang and claw. She and Laris operate as one, Kaya skewering foes with her spear while the great wolf’s jaws clamp down on exposed throats. Any pack of beasts under Kaya’s command strikes with stunning speed and power, rendering the opposition incapable of counterattack.

Una the Skyhunter: $16.99

una the skyhunter circle orboros

During her time tending the far-flung griffon roosts of the Circle, Una developed an unparalleled affinity with the winged beasts and now employs them to cut down opponents without mercy. Having refined her arcane command over the elements, she is able to call upon the howling gales and updrafts of the highest mountain peaks to shape the flow of battle.

Circle Orboros Command: $31.99

circle orboros command

The Circle Orboros is humanity’s most ancient organization, composed of powerful mystics who watch over natural places. While few in number, these druids wield the forces of nature and call upon savage beasts of the wilds such as ferocious warpwolves, agile griffons, and bounding satyrs. The druids can even bind the very stones into fearsome constructs ready to fight for the Circle. Alongside these fearsome warbeasts, human tribes known as Wolf Sworn stand ready with spear and crossbow to fight for their blackclad masters. Together the forces of the Circle Orboros teach all who trespass upon their lands to fear the power of Orboros.

Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros Command provides the foundation you need to take up the work of this powerful and ancient order with:

  • • Complete rules and profiles for the mighty warlocks and savage warbeasts of the Circle Orboros, including two new warlocks and a new character warbeast.
  • • Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Circle warlocks and warbeasts.
  • • A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are.
  • • Two new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Circle Orboros armies with specific benefits.


Head over to Privateer Press for more information and to grab these latest releases for Hordes!