GF9 & War Scenery Combine for New Battlefield In A Box!

War scenery GF9 CrossoverGF9 & War Scenery have partnered up to bring you an all-new Sci-fi Gothic Sector Battlefield in a Box Terrain set!

Two of the Tabletop terrain titans are coming together to bring you an awesome new Sci-fi terrain bundle! Gale Force Nine (GF9) is working with War Scenery to create a new entry in their Battlefield in a Box range. We’re going to take a look at what they revealed for Gothic Sector Battlefield in a Box at Adepticon!

Gothic Sector Battlefield In A Box

Battlefield in a Box Gothic Sector

Here’s some of what they have to say about this partnership:

GF9 has entered into a new partnership with War Scenery of Germany. The partnership will bring War Scenery’s digital designs to the tabletop as fully painted terrain under GF9’s Battlefield In A Box brand.

Battlefield in a Box Gothic Sector 2

We are very pleased to be working with such passionate designers as Louis and his team. Being able to bring their designs to a whole new audience was a perfect fit for us. The models on display at AdeptiCon are just the start of what we have planned, with the first releases due out at the start of the third quarter.

Battlefield in a Box Gothic Sector 3

As you can see from the reveals here, it’ll be exciting to have the option to pick up some of the awesome 40k style terrain from War Scenery pre-painted in their Battlefield in a Box style!

Battlefield in a Box Gothic Sector 4

With this just being the beginning of what they’ve got planned, it will be interesting to see what else GF9 has planned after these first releases. These should be available sometime in Q3.

Click Here To See GF9’s Other Battlefield in a Boxes!