GW dropped so much new hobby product on us all at once! Come take a look at unboxing the dice sets, Repair Tool, AoS Terrain and the Tint Set!
Join us as we take a look at the new dice, paints and even a new tool from Games Workshop!
First we are going to take a look at the dice and hobby tool.
These new D6 from GW feel like they are made of a quality material as opposed to the material many of the dice companies out there use. They have a pretty good weight to them and seem to roll very well.
The wound tracker dice have a unique look to them and would be perfect for keeping track of your wounds in an Age of Sigmar game or even rolling them in a game that D10s are needed. They seem to be the same high quality as the D6 dice, and roll very well.
Now you no longer need to be the guy running around the tournament with a broken mini in your hand, searching for someone who thought to bring super glue with them. With this new tool you can always take your glue with you in this handy container that just happens to be connected to a file/seam scarper and to top it all off, there’s even a bottle opener! This should definitely be in your tool arsenal!
Dice & Repair Tool First Looks:
Also we have a new tint set to show you from Citadel. This tint set seems to be little pots of pigment to mix with your other paints to get the exact color and hue you desire. The names of ten primarchs adorn the paints, and are even embossed into the bottom of the tray under each bottle as well.
Check out the full video and see what we have to say about this Citadel Tint Set below:
Magewrath Throne & Balewind Vortex:

These two kits are very affordable and their rules make them very desirable for nearly any Age of Sigmar army out there.
It’s not quite the high quality plastic we have gotten used to from Games Workshop but still a decent quality. Plus for the price point you can’t argue with it IMHO and the parts come already cut off the sprue which is kind of strange, but I think we can deal with it.
Ascend to the Throne is a special rule for the Magewrath Throne that allows any of your heroes within 15″ to use a command ability even though they are not your general, as long as your general is seated on the throne. That seems pretty good, time to shuffle around your general now?
The Balewind Vortex seems to be a must have if you have any wizards in your army. Models can not move within 3″ of the Vortex and the wizard can not be charged while on top of the Balewind Vortex. So that leaves the Wizard only able to be targeted by ranged attacks. While on top of the Balewind Vortex the caster doubles the range of it’s spells! That is just incredible! Summon bombs incoming?
To see the full unboxing and rules review, and find out how to get your very own set scroll below:
Head over to Games Workshop and to get your hands on these amazing Dice, Repair Kit, Citadel Tint Set ,and these two must have pieces of terrain for any Age of Sigmar army!