Hamund’s Harvesting Handbook From The DMs Guild

Hamund's Harvesting Handbook

Collect more than just gold from the monsters your party battles with this new title from the DMs Guild. Let’s take a look.

If you are looking to get more than the standard treasure out of your encounters. Then this might be the supplement for you.

Hamund's Harvesting Handbook


Hamund's Harvesting Handbook


Hamund's Harvesting Handbook


Hamund's Harvesting Handbook

Welcome dear reader to Hamund’s Harvesting Handbook, written by none other than I, Hamund Holderhek! But who am I you ask?

Well, I am an adventurer at heart, a writer by passion, and a harvester at trade. I have traveled the many planes of the multiverse in search of adventure and story (for more of those stories, pick up any copy of “Hamund’s Harrowing Histories I-XXXV”).

Through my life I have fought and defeated just about every kind of creature you can imagine: I have tussled with treants, skirmished with sphinxes, and even engaged in fisticuffs with a fomorian or two. Never being one to let something go to waste, I always took my trusty hunting knife to these creatures and had a look to see what they had to offer. I have spent many years writing down my findings and anecdotes, and I now present them to you less seasoned adventurers so you may soak in my wisdom.

Yes, what you hold in your hands right now is a helpful guide to harvesting the creatures that a typical adventurer may face. You’ll learn not just how valuable a roc’s guts are, but also which way to twist your knife in order to extract them. The natural world is filled with riches just waiting for bold people like us to take them!

Good luck and good harvesting,

-Sir Hamund Holderhek, O.B.H. (First Class), V.A., N.K.P.


This book aims to act as a handy reference for DM’s with loot hungry players that just want to carve up anything they have killed. It provides a monster harvesting loot table for every single unique monster in the 5th Edition Monster Manual. These loot tables are easy to reference and contain every piece of information your players could need when they tear their fresh kills apart. It also possesses over 200 new and unique craftable items to be made from your harvesting adventures, and all the information you would need for them. There are of course rules for both the harvesting and the crafting, and a few extra bonuses strewn in here too.

Everything has been written with balance in mind, but you are of course feel free to rebalance anything in this guide to suit your own table or feel free to message me at or hit me up on Twitter @drifterworkshop to discuss anything in this guide.


  • A loot table for every single monster in the Monster Manual, with flavourful descriptions of items that DM’s can use as plot hooks for small side quests and adventures.
  • Over 200 craftable magic items, made from the materials your players harvest from their kills.
  • A pickpocket/trinket table for humanoids.
  • A new background, feat, and tool kit specifically for harvesting.
  • 6 NPC’s you can slot into your campaign to provide crafting and merchant services to your players.
  • Printer-friendly version for easy hard-copy referencing

Get all you can out of your encounter with the dangerous beasts of the realms. Make sure you visit the DMs Guild and secure your copy today!