Knight Models New DC Zombie Hero Miniatures!

By Guest Author | November 18th, 2021 | Categories: Knight Models, Tabletop Gaming Products

Justice League DceasedKnight Models announced some cool new releases a spooky twist- Justice League DCeased and more iconic Batman miniatures.

Halloween may be over but the goodies are still available over at Knight models. Take a look at some of the spooky-themed sculpts that are available for pre-order.

Whether you’re looking for heroes or villains, Knight Models always has something for you! Their line of DC minis is insane, so, any character that’s your favorite, they have it. This release is another great example of the range they have in models.

Batman Red Rain: 18,97€

Batman Red RainToday we are delighted to share with you one of our upcoming releases, Punchline !: “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time …”

Vampire Batman may not be one of the most popular models but it is easily one of the coolest. This model is based on the graphic novels Batman & Dracula from the ’90s. Batman becomes a vampire to defeat Dracula but shortly finds out that the thirst for blood is not easily tamed.

Harley Quinn Bewitched: 18,97€

Harley Quinn Bewitched“If you want boys to respect you, show them you’re serious. Shoot something, blow it up!”

Bewitched Harley is a fun sculpt and once painted up will look great on the table. Bewitched Harley was also an alternate cover of Harley Quinn #30.

Justice League Dceased: 41,32€

Dceased Models

Infected by a virus that transforms these heroes into feral zombies makes any Gotham local scared.  The Justice League have one thing on their mind, infect the uninfected.

Nightwing: 20,62€

Nightwing Rebirth

Dismissed from his duties of Robin, Dick Grayson becomes Nightwing. This sculpt seems simple but look at the classic Gotham architecture Nightwing clings onto, super cool.

Batgirl: 20,62€

Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)

Barbra Gordan is one of the best sculpts that you can preorder right now. Dynamic pose with good base detail. If you are a fan of the DC universe you should be very happy with the work they are doing at Knight Models.

If you love what Knight Models are up to, check out what else they have been releasing lately.

That does it for this one, now go hop on the pre-orders!

Check out all the Knight Models Pre-Order Here!