Kromlech Launches New Historical Miniatures Line

By Tim Roberts | November 25th, 2018 | Categories: Kromlech, Tabletop Gaming Products

Big news from the creative team from Kromlech as they launch their new historical miniatures and wargaming site to the masses.

Kromlech has always been known to produce outstanding high-quality minis for the sci-fi and fantasy tabletop scene. Now they have created some amazing new miniatures for the historical wargaming scene and launched a new website dedicated to the history buff out there.

Let’s take a look.




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This set contains five metal miniatures – 5 soldiers armed with rifles together with five 25mm bases.

All our miniatures are supplied unassembled and unpainted.

Paints and glue not included.

In the 1930s Polish Army received new uniform – the design was called wz. 36 (pattern 36). Before the war only some of the units received this outfit, making uniform unification impossible. It’s design was focused on combat utility, more than any other previous scheme. The color and style of the wz. 36 was far more useful than any pervious one, especially in Polish countryside.
During interwar period Polish Infantry was armed mostly with 7.92mm caliber Mauser carbines, standard early war bolt-action rifle. Better firepower was provided by redesigned wz. 28 Browning, based on foreign-made B.A.R..
Polish forces were significantly outmatched, both on land and in the air, yet the defence lasted for over a month. With many battles and fights Polish soldiers have proved their bravery and commitment, fighting against any odds.

Kromlech is doing historicals right with an amazing amount of detail and their first wave of releases is dedicated to their rich history of the Polish Armed Forces that stood against tyranny in the defince of their homeland durring World War Two.




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This set contains ten metal miniatures – NCO with rifle, one soldier armed with wz. 28 Browning LMG and 8 soldiers armed with rifles together with ten 25mm bases.

All our miniatures are supplied unassembled and unpainted.

Paints and glue not included.

During years 1918-1939 Polish Army have been reformed and reequipped several times. In 1936 latest version of the infantry uniform was introduced – wz. 36 (pattern 36). It’s design was focused on combat utility, more than any other previous scheme. Also the differences between officer and infantry outfits were significantly reduced. The color, called “Polish khaki”, as well as the style and materials, was more siutable for combat conditions.

Standard infantry weapon was 7.92mm caliber, bolt-action Mauser rifles. Lacking sufficient number of Mausers, mainly for reserves and Bataliony Obrony Narodowej (National Defence Batalions), some of the units were equiped with Russian-made Mosins or French-made Lebels. Polish infantry did not used standard light machine guns as a support weapon. Instead one of the soldiers in the team was armed with wz. 28 Browning automatic rifle, Polish version of famous B.A.R..

Well-trained and determined to defend homeland Polish Army fought bravely during the September Campaign. Despite being outmatched, both on land and in the air, defence forces resisted the Blitzkrieg for over a month. With numerous combats Polish soldiers have proven their bravery and commitment, fighting against the odds. The largest and most ambitious batlle took place on the banks of Bzura river. Polish counter-offensive surprised Germans and pushed them away for over a week, but eventually courageous Poles were forced to retreat. In the end almost 20 000 soldiers lost their lives and 170 000 were captured.

These miniatures would be a great addition to any 25mm historical wargame and look great on the tabletop and are an accurate representation of WW2 Polish Forces.




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This set contains four metal miniatures – wz. 30 machine gun on tripod, gunner, loader and spotter together with two 25mm bases and one 25x50mm base. HMG/Mortar Movement Tray is also included for ease movement of your troops on the battlefield.

All our miniatures are supplied unassembled and unpainted.

Paints and glue not included

Ckm wz. 30 was the main heavy machine gun used by Polish Army in 1939. Design, strongly inspired by american Browning M1917 HMG, was modified and improved since 1931, including such differences as greater caliber and improved sights. Machine gun was also equipped with water-cooling system and advanced tripod mounting, allowing crew to use Ckm wz. 30 for anti-aircraft fire. Machine gun was crewed by 3-man squad – machine gunner, loader and spotter, acompanied by 4 additional soldiers, providing support and ammunition. This weapon was also used in many Polish vehicles, such as 7TP or Vickers tanks. Cavalry used Ckm. wz. 30 mounted on horse-drawn carriages, called “taczanka”, to improve mobility.

Polish infantry forces equiped with those weapons played vital role in defence efforts during September 1939, for example in the course of famous Battle of Wizna, known also as “Polish Termopylae”. For over 3 days small Polish forces counting around 720 men and including machine gun formation, defended 9km long line of defence positions. Against them stood over 44 000 Germans, supported by 450 tanks and Luftwaffe. Poles hold their ground until the 10th of September, when became clear that further defence was impossible. Handful of Polish soldiers were taken prisoners, but Captain Raginis, the commanding officer of the Polish forces, took his own life to keep his oath to never surrender to the enemy.

Of course, these are just a few of the great looking miniatures that Kromlech Historicals has to offer. Make sure you visit their brand new site and see what they might have to offer your historical wargaming today!

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