Malifaux Gets Unionized: New Wyrd Preview

By Tim Roberts | April 28th, 2024 | Categories: Malifaux, Tabletop Gaming Products, Wyrd

Wyrd Cover Img

Today Malifaux gets unionized with a look the second half of the Backdraft Encounter Box, brought to us by Wyrd Miniatures. Let’s get to know Fitzsimmons and his Saboteurs!

It’s all about the opposition to the Goblin whiskey runners from the Backdraft Encounter Box. Let’s join the Union and find out more about Fitzsimmons and his group of crafty Saboteurs for the Malifaux universe.

Wyrd preview

Joshua Fitzsimmons and his Saboteurs are M&SU agents who focus on the Union’s more destructive goals. Fitzsimmons’ most interesting ability is his Spring Traps, which transforms friendly Scheme Markers within 6″ of him into explosives that damage all enemy models around it. When combined with his Arson action – which lets him burn a Scheme Marker and an enemy model standing near it to the ground – this makes Fitzsimmons very good at offensive board control. Better yet, his “I Didn’t Start the Fire” action lets him end the Burning Condition on an enemy model to place a Scheme Marker in base contact with that model, allowing him to go both ways.

Wyrd Saboteurs 2

His disguised Saboteurs follow this theme with their Detonate Hidden Charges action. This lets them damage and give Burning to enemy models within 2″ of a Scheme Marker, all without discarding that Scheme Marker.

Wyrd Saboteurs 1They aren’t quite as fire-focused as Fitzsimmons, however, and also carry Poisoned Knives to shake things up a bit. Both of these actions play right into the hands of their Set Up for Success ability, which allows a Saboteur to draw a card after it resolves an action that dealt damage to an enemy model within 2″ of a Scheme Marker.

Wyrd Preview 3-19-18

The Backdraft Encounters Box keeps getting better each week! We can’t wait to get a look at these awesome minis from the sculptors at Wyrd Games! What do you think of this box set so far? we would love to hear your thoughts on this hot new product for the Malifaux community!

To find out what other people are saying about Fitzsimmons & his Saboteurs visit the Forums at Wyrd Miniatures!