More New Warmachine Pre-Orders from Privater Press

Privater Press

Come and see what’s new for the Iron Kingdoms as Privateer Press announce some great new Warmachine pre-orders. Let’s take a look.

In a world of magic and steam-powered monstrosities, the battle rages on. Don’t miss the latest from the hobby maniacs at Privater Press as they show off some of their latest products.

Greylord Adjunct: $14.99

Privater Press

The Greylords Covenant has long served the Khadoran Army by assisting in the detection and education of warcasters, knowing the best methods to unleash their arcane powers. Adjuncts are specially trained arcanists assigned to directly lend support to warcasters on the battlefield. In addition to their elemental mastery of cold, an adjunct can help sustain a warcaster’s powers, extend their reach, and unravel incoming mystical assaults.

Initiates of the Wall: $29.99

Privater Press

Only those with a true calling can walk the path of the Order of the Wall. These men and women spend their youth honing body and soul to serve the Creator and to protect the faithful. To complete their training, initiates are sent out in small groups, tasked with guarding the Temple’s servants in battle. Though still far from full mastery, several initiates standing side-by-side can withstand devastating blows from beast and machine alike. For this duty, each sets aside their sword and shield to wield blessed battleaxes instead, teaching them that the weapon they wield is secondary to each paladin’s faith and resolve.

Clockatrice: $34.99

Privater Press

If the clockatrice is born of nightmares, it comes from a dreamscape of fiendish engineering, the metallic grinding of countless gears, and a malevolence arising from an intricate mechanism that mimics a living beast. As in the fables it inspired, the clockatrice can freeze and kill with but a glance of its glowing eyes. Time flows differently around this creature, warped by the haphazard spinning of the arms of its giant clock, always to the detriment of any mortals facing its razor-sharp claws and beak.

We can’t wait to see these new minis wreak havoc on the tabletop. Make sure you visit Privateer Press, check out their new site, and secure your new Warmachine and Hordes releases today!