More Warmachine & Hordes Arrive From Privateer Press

Privateer Press

Check out the newest additions to the Iron Kingdoms lineup as we take a look at the latest releases from Privateer Press for Warmachine and Hordes!

The swashbuckling hobby maniacs at Privateer Press are always adding great new miniatures to their flagships Warmachine and Hordes. Let’s take a look at their upcoming releases.

Journeyman Lieutenant Allister Caine: $14.99

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Privateer Press

Allister Caine was never an ordinary journeyman, for he had already earned both infamy and fame as a gunmage. As deadly with his pistols as he was stubborn and difficult to train, young Allister Caine chafed under instruction both as a youthful prodigy of the Arcane Tempest and while learning what was required of a Cygnaran warcaster at the Strategic Academy. He was never respectful to the warcasters he was assigned to follow, prone to sneaking off to follow his own instincts. Yet when battle began, he quickly proved his worth, wielding a magelock in each hand.

Scrutator Potentate Severius: $14.99

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Privateer Press

Severius loyally served multiple hierarchs in his time as a scrutator and was a significant voice in the caste even before being elevated to leadership over all of the Protectorate’s military forces. As a scrutator potentate, Severius saw fit to support Voyle in his bid for power, accelerating that great ruler’s rise to hierarch. When he wasn’t striding fearlessly into foreign lands as a missionary to convert unbelievers to the faith, Potentate Severius was a formidable presence in battle. He manifested holy power, inspiring zealots and warriors, and from the start he showed his facility at wielding the warjacks of the Protectorate against the theocracy’s enemies.

Tharn Blood Shaman: $14.99

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Privateer Press

Blood magic is the oldest of arcane practices in western Immoren, one the Tharn have mastered. While bloodweavers leap into the fray to wet their sacrificial blades, blood shamans are more reserved and focused, steeped in deeper sacrificial rites. They have long served the masters of the Circle Orboros, facilitating their magics through bloodletting, a talent also brought to the greatest warlocks among the Tharn. Linked by blood-sworn pacts, such shamans can borrow spells from those they serve.

These new releases from Privateer Press might be just the thing for you to bolster your forces and prepare your warriors for victory! For more info on these new releases make sure you check out Privateer Press!