New Antares Boromite Rock Riders, Engineers, & More

By Zeb Barrett | February 13th, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warlord Games

Boromite Rock Riders Overseer squad

The ground trembles as the mighty Boromite Rock Riders charge into combat as shots from Mag Cannons fly just overhead! Come check out these new minis!

Some new miniatures are out from Warlord Games! Come check out these Boromite Rock Riders, Engineers and Mag Cannon!

Boromite Rock Riders Overseer squad: $40.00

Boromite Rock Riders Overseer squad

Lectro lances are adaptations of the lecto lash type of weapon primarily for Boromite Rock Riders fighting from their tall, silicate mounts.

The lectro lance is essentially a contained lectro energy that can be directed accurately from the back of a Lavamite Rock mount. It uses the same technology as the lectro lash but is designed to deliver a more powerful shock.

The Boromite Rock Rider Overseer squad in Antares

Unit: Rock Rider Overseer Squad Ag Acc Str Res Init Co
1 x Rock Rider Overseer; plasma carbine, reflex armour, riding Locomite 4 5 8 7(8) 6 10
2 x Rock Riders; plasma carbine, reflex armour, riding Locomite 4 5 8 7(8) 6 9

Boromite Engineers: $32.00

Boromite Engineers

The engineers main role will be to make sure the auto workshop is functioning at its highest capacity (which is also included in this bot set!) This is a compact mobile workshop to maintain, repair and sometimes to modify all kinds of nano‐based technologies including weaponry, vehicles and other machines. The workshop generates a cloud of constructive nano‐drones that can set to work upon damaged or failing machinery instantly, melding with its own structural suspensor integrity drones to diagnose and repair. There are also 3 Vorpal Charges included.

Infantry Unit

Points Value: 44

Unit: Boromite Engineer Squad Ag Acc Str Res Init Co
2 x Engineers: reflex armour, auto‐workshop 4 5 6 6(7) 6 9

Boromite mag cannon: $20.00

Boromite mag cannon

The mag cannon is a single‐shot magnetic cannon and a very common weapon in Antarean space. The mag cannon is designed to deliver a single shot at incredible velocity and as such it is a long‐barrelled weapon, often with multiple internal rails that generate a single very powerful pulse.

Head over to Warlord Games for more information about all of the latest Antares Boromite miniatures and pick up these and many more