New Bits – AoW Chaos Champion of War

By Zeb Barrett | July 6th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Tabletop Gaming Products

khorne aos sigmar

Spiked armor, two axes and even skulls hanging from his belt! This model looks to have it all and would fit right in with your Chaos Grand Alliance army!

Source: Avatars of War

Harbinger of Wrath: $13.23

Preceding the upcoming Warriors of the Apocalypse regiment, this new Champion of War with two weapons, sculpted by renown sculptor Tim Prow, is available now.

The Warriors of the Apocalypse are the elite troops of War, the horseman of the Apocalypse. Despite being disciplined combatants, using a Champion of War as the leader of a Warriors of the Apocalypse regiment will further assure their reliability in battle.

For more details and 360 view of this new miniature, head over to Avatars of War.