New Bits Pre-Orders Make Guard More Fun!

By Tim Roberts | June 5th, 2018 | Categories: BITS, Tabletop Gaming Products

Desert Reavers Cover

Make your guardsman stand out with some fun new bits pre-orders from Reptilian Overlords just in time to customize your next hobby project!

Reptilian Overlords are a relatively new find for us but, so far their quality designs and retro feel are a win-win in our book. Let’s take a look at some new pre-orders available now.

Jump Troops With Respirators 1: $10.00

Jump Troops1

12 heads designed to fit 28mm heroic scale miniatures.

This set includes 2 sprues with 6 helmets each.

Material- Resin

Pre Order- This item is expected to ship on or before May 16 2018

Jump Troops With Respirators 2: $10.00

Jump Troops 2

12 heads designed to fit 28mm heroic scale miniatures.

This set includes 2 sprues with 6 helmets each.

Material- Resin

Pre Order- This item is expected to ship on or before May 16 2018

Black ops Screaming Skull Masks: $10.00

Black Ops Masks

12 heads designed to fit 28mm heroic scale miniatures.

This set includes 2 sprues with 6 helmets each.

Material- Resin

Pre Order- This item is expected to ship on or before May 16 2018

Desert Reaver Torsos x6: $10.00

Desert Reavers

6 Torsos with head and backpack designed to fit 28mm heroic scale miniatures.

This set includes 2 sprues with 3 torsos each.

Material- Resin

Pre Order- This item is expected to ship on or before May 16 2018

These bits are defiantly worth taking a look at. Make sure you visit Reptilian Overlords today and see what all they have to offer.

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Find More Great Bits At Reptilian Overlords!