New Blood Tribes Release From Raging Heroes

Blood TribesCome and see what is new from the hobby maniacs at Raging Heroes as we take a look at their latest Blood Tribe releases.

Looking for A great alternative minis to add to your next project? Check out these cool new releases from Raging Heroes!

Xar-Kahli the Wrath Caster: $27.69 

Blood TribesSummoning forces of darkness past, Xar-Kahli the Wrath Caster weaves the spirits of the Ancients with the blood of vanquished enemies to unleash terrible storms of wrath and fury upon the Furianns’ opponents. On her magical staff, skulls pulsate and shriek as from their eyes and mouths pours the blood of slain enemies. Only Xar-Kahli can shape this unholy flow into a whirlwind of wrath and death. Be ready to face the rage of the Furiann’s Shaman…

Finely crafted in resin. The scale is 34mm. She will fit all popular miniature wargames. At her highest point, she measures 70mm high, and while she can fit on a 30 mm base, she comes with a 40mm base to do her justice.

Xar-Kahli & Krezia: $55.43

Blood TribesXar-Kahli the Wrath Caster: Summoning forces of darkness past, she weaves the spirits of the Ancients with the blood of vanquished ennemies to unleash terrible storms of wrath and fury upon the Furianns’ opponents. At her highest point, she measures 70mm high.

Krezia the Black on Oriniax: Awe-inspiring Krezia, a leader of the Furianns tribe, is mounted on an Oriniax, a massive wild animal that only tribeswomen are able to tame. This imposing miniature stands 88mm high. From end-to end, she is 70mm long.

Both miniatures are finely crafted in resin. Scale is 34mm: they will fit all popular miniature wargames. Box includes 1 x 40mm and 1 x 50mm round bases.

Xar-Kahli and the Furianns: $99.81

Blood TribesXar-Kahli the Wrath Caster: Summoning forces of darkness past, she weaves the spirits of the Ancients with the blood of vanquished enemies to unleash terrible storms of wrath and fury upon the Furianns’ opponents. At her highest point, she measures 70mm high.

Furianns All-Stars – Command Group (BT – F): 5 different models each with lot of individuality and charisma

Furianns All-Stars – Troops (BT – F): 5 more different models that will take your gaming table to the next level!

All miniature is finely crafted in resin. Scale is 34mm: they will fit all popular miniature wargames. Box includes 10 x 30mm and 1 x 40mm round bases.

These new bundle deals are a great way to customize your next hobby project. Make sure you visit Raging Heroes and secure your’s today!

Xar-Kahli the Wrath Caster: $27.69 

Xar-Kahli & Krezia: $55.43

Xar-Kahli and the Furianns: $99.81

About the Author: Tim Roberts