New Fallout Wasteland Warfare STL Files From Modiphius

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Terrain Expansion - Tank STL

If you’re looking for some new additions for Fallout Wasteland Warfare, check out these new files you can print from home for your favorite post-apocalypse tabletop game.

The creative team at Modiphius wants to help you upgrade your terrain without leaving the house. Let’s take a look at their latest Fallout: Wasteland Warfare STL files.

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Terrain Expansion: Parked Vertibird – STL: $24.66


The XVB02 ‘Vertibird’ is a VTOL (“Vertical Take-Off and Landing”) craft with an extremely durable armored fuselage and can be armed with a variety of offensive weapons and defensive countermeasures. This is the most advanced aircraft of its kind ever developed, and the military hopes to press them into service by 2085.” – Museum of Technology Washington.

The Brotherhood of Steel make good use of the Vertibird, using it to fly in troops and supplies to advanced positions and to reinforce flashpoints mid-battle. If you discover a parked Vertibird somewhere in your adventures in the Wasteland, you may find plentiful supplies of ammo and weapons and maybe even a suit of Power Armour inside, just make sure its previous owner isn’t still around before attempting to liberate these resources!

Please note: this is an STL ONLY for 3D printing and not the physical product. Requires a 3D printer and knowledge of 3D printing to use. Requires assembly and Instructions for assembly are enclosed in your download. Figures shown are for scale only and are not included in this package.

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Terrain Expansion – Tank STL: $24.66

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Terrain Expansion - Tank STLThis battlefield behemoth is an example of one of the US Army’s pre-war main battle tanks and one of the most powerful vehicles to ever rumble through the wasteland. Powered by a nuclear engine, its single turret design boasts a twin pair of heavy-duty 140mm main cannons which it can use to demolish all but the most formidable of assailants in a single salvo.

Weighing in at a monster 60 tons, its mass makes it unsuitable for use in soft terrain, but otherwise, it’s a steel beast that dominates conventional battlefields. Modeled on the M46 Patton tank last used by the US Army in the conflicts of the mid to late twentieth century, several abandoned examples can be found scattered across the Wasteland and if you’re fortunate to find a working model it can be hotwired and restored to full capacity with a minimum of fuss. Woe betide your foes if you succeed and one of these leviathans ever becomes fully operational again.

Please note: this is an STL ONLY for 3D printing and not the physical product. Requires a 3D printer and knowledge of 3D printing to use.

These new terrain features would make a great addition to any Fallout tabletop collection. Make sure you visit Modiphius and see what they have to offer your game today! 

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Terrain Expansion: Parked Vertibird – STL: $24.66

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Terrain Expansion – Tank STL: $24.66